Months of extreme cold force Ingenuity to prove it can still fly

Episode 73
The original plan for the Ingenuity helicopter was just to show that it could actually fly on Mars, not survive a Martian winter. So returning to flight after months of overnight lows in the minus 120s F was a gamble.


24 thoughts on “Months of extreme cold force Ingenuity to prove it can still fly”

  1. I'm constantly amazed how much NASA/JPL can get out of their machines! Between the Voyagers still returning data after 45 years and "Ginny" returning to flight after a Martian winter. Thank you Mars Guy for these updates!

  2. For those who like to read about real history for change. The posted above video, shows some of the best, for space interplanetary exploration and research.
    At 2:50, of the video: the shown panoramic image, is actually taken by the Kambwua XI semi-autonomous Mars lander, from 1987. Being that Kambwua means: small lizard from the desert; in the Kwaniama language from Southern Angola, Africa.
    Such Mars lander, was 27 years ago, successfully launched from somewhere at planet Terra and a few months later: successfully landed at the "Valley of the Women", from Marte. That though landing site from Marte, was chosen because it potentially had a frozen and ancient coastal beach plant bush; similar to the Earths Elephant Ear Plant, that on Earth happens to dislike too much water. Has for the name chosen for the landing valley by the Vsr. Mr. Atriu. C; that landscape picture speaks for itself.
    Then if one looks at 2:59, of the video; you'd see a frozen in time, martian coastal dwarf Elephant Ear plant remains, that might've grown there at about 15M years ago. And that same portion of nowadays darkened bush, represents the feminine 'pays-bas,' meanwhile mo to the left, you'd see is the feminine hilly northern region, from that valley.
    To note that it was Captain Yuri C. from the G.L.A.; that semi-manually accurately managed to land the Kambwua XI; that packed a couple of nuclear batteries, similars to the ones used at the Voyagers 1 and 2; also from the G.L.A.
    Now, even thought: the Kambwua robot might still be able to go for a closer look at the Elephant Ear bush plant; after 27 years of hibernation; it should stay in its place, as a lookout guardian, for those ancient Martian plant life remains.

  3. With All the TAX💲💲💲 NASA receive from Government, how is it they still can't figure out how to clean the solar panels on their Mar Exploratory craft's, it's Not 🚀 Science, I'm sure theirs a Grad Student with a Brilliant Solution to the above Problem, that won't Cost Billions of 💲💲💲💲😂🤣😂🤣. I live in Hope

  4. Great video again. In your next video could you cover why they are expending energy flying when there is – as described – apparently insufficient solar power to keep the battery charged and keep the electronics and batteries warm enough to operate efficiently?

  5. Seeing how much trouble Marian dust has caused on solar panels, have they considered some kind of blower or wiper to clear them off? Surely they have thought of this, but nothing has been put into practice. I wonder why?

  6. It absolutely defies all the laws of basic physics that it can fly in a virtual vacuum. The fact that it seems to suggests that the estimation of Mars's atmospheric pressure at 0.8% of that of Earth's is totally out of kilter with the truth.
    I know I will get dumb arse comments from keyboard warriors out there but physics is physics in the end.

  7. Edit: Please ignore everything below except the compliments I started with. I hadn't seen the flick to °C that you did so everything below doesn't apply here.
    My apologies. This is what a mixture of AD/HD & Asperger's does yo someone. Flying off the handle, but in detail with accurate figures & a chunk of strange thrown in.
    I should've deleted it as soon as I saw the temps in °C! But I kinda like the argument for the universal adoption of °C.
    Sorry mate! I misjudged you.

    Hey Mars Guy, I love what you do, how you do it and your calm delivery. It's been fascinating.
    Just a small point, when you show or mention temperatures, could you click the °C so for an equal time to the °F please?
    Also, as you speak, could you mention both scales please?
    I'm in the UK & we don't use °F so your casual mention of "1 degree below zero" means a light frost to 95.8% of the world's population.
    So please, could you give equal time to Celsius?
    Thought experiment time. The figures used are correct…

    If the whole planet used Celsius. With zero degrees at the temperature water freezes & 100 degrees set at where water boils. Everyone can communicate temperature around the globe irrespective of language.
    Then suddenly a group emerged, with only 4.2% of the global population, who started using their own "degrees Q" scale… Where 0°Q degrees was set at the freezing point of a solution of brine made from a mixture of water, ice, and ammonium chloride. They then guessed the temperature of the human body & called that 96°Q
    Would you switch to it for all of your videos?

  8. To introduce a new motor, fluid_impulse is used as an open system by a jetboard, close it to fly without air, power by magnet motors, a fluid & tank with bent pipes.

    Spec for a no_propwash hovercraft to fight wildfires 1000gal/4-ton payload, 7.5-tons force each a 6-mtr design for dynamics a pair hovers. Needless to say, these spiral to orbit no_fuels, 14-pairs of mtrs hovers 105-tons, Artemis payload with 42-pairs suggested to have dynamics for landing.

    Obviously, if these work as preliminary calculations suggest it'll boom space travel.
    Ymmv 🍺


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