MonsterQuest: Prehistoric Flying Monster (S3, E15) | Full Episode

If there is one place on earth that could be home to a prehistoric flying monster, it is Papua New Guinea. These islands to the north of Australia are the closest thing to a real “lost world”.


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23 thoughts on “MonsterQuest: Prehistoric Flying Monster (S3, E15) | Full Episode”

  1. 👣The thing I question is the Natives have been around these animals their whole lives. They know what they are talking about, they know what animals live there and what they look like and sound like so they can tell apart bats from any other animal. The same thing for Bigfoot the Native American told the gritty whites about them as they were taking their land. So I belive the Native People over any white college hungry land stealing persons 😒

  2. Oregon .. I was outside one night at like 3 in the morning we're smoking a cigarette looking up at the stars then all the sudden from the North came this flying creature I have never seen it before it made a weird noise was about 9 to 12 ft long wingspan would be good three feet and it was like a translucent Brown I could see it veins in the wings and that was not the only time me and my friend seen it and heard it again one night when she was getting ready to leave

  3. What slaps me silly is the one scientist that says it could be a unknown Bat! A Terrasor has no feathers sharp teeth and besides it's head looks like a large BAT! So who is to say it is related or is another spieces of bat! And the long oblong head a type of sonar like bats and it's . bioluminescent to attract it's prey and to communicate to others of it's own kind…..check caves and areas like bat behavior to see if they have any similarities! Hence. Science! Maybe a light to simulate the bioluminescence light to see if these creatures respond. Should use Teathered drone's with the new technology…

  4. When I was a little girl about 45 I had seven siblings and a Angry Bird from a pear tree came down and pick me up on my shoulders with its Talons and went to fly off with me when two of my siblings grab both my legs and had to take me down five or six times before the bird let go it was going to eat me for dinner and that was in Missouri so they are real and not just on a little Island


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