Kids' Minds Matter Gala Fundraising Event Video 2023

Building on the Reflect & Envision kaleidoscope concept that Priority Marketing created for the 2023 Kids’ Minds Matter Gala event, in-house graphic design, web and video professionals collaborated closely to produce a stunning kaleidoscope animation for this compelling video, which was shown to advocates during the annual gala. To produce this video, Priority Marketing also conducted on-camera interviews and selected from a rich archive of photos, b-roll and testimonials that have been captured for Kids’ Minds Matter over the years. At the event, donors generously gave more than $800,000 to the nonprofit Kids’ Minds Matter!

Since its inception, Kids’ Minds Matter has been working to create awareness about the immense need for pediatric mental and behavioral health services in Southwest Florida. Priority Marketing has been providing full-service marketing and public relations services to this non-profit for five years – helping to raise more than $10 million, as well as generate awareness and inspire advocacy. This has included an array of creative content for events, social media, digital media, advertising, and more.

Are you interested in professional video production to support your next fundraising campaign? Priority Marketing makes video production easy for you with full-service project management by experienced professionals. Contact #PriorityMarketing for help at #fundraisingvideo #videoproduction

Hi, I’m Damini Parkhi. My journey with Kids’ Mind Matter started when I shared my story with other teens as part of the inaugural Normal Is Overrated event in 2019. Since then, I’ve continued to serve as a Kids’ Minds Matter advocate and spokesperson.

I am deeply honored to be part of this initiative and ongoing efforts to create awareness, foster partnerships, engage supporters and expand services that address the growing mental health epidemic among kids and teens in Southwest Florida.

As Kids’ Minds Matter reaches its seventh anniversary, this is a time to reflect on all that has been accomplished since 2016 and envision the future of children’s mental health care in Southwest Florida. Let’s start by reflecting on what our amazing community has been able to accomplish together.

Since its inception, Kids’ Minds Matter has been working to create awareness about the immense need for pediatric mental and behavioral health services in Southwest Florida. Part of a national epidemic, our region, like so many others lacked the resources to meet the mental and behavioral health care needs of children and young adults.

But Southwest Florida finally found the champions it needed in Susan Goldy and Scott Speizle.

With big ideas, they started by engaging supporters in this cause, which is near and dear to their hearts, and they raised funds to get Kids’ Minds Matter started through their annual Secret Garden Gala.

Scott & Susan engaged strong regional partners to help bring their vision to life, and the funds they raised empowered an experienced leader – Dr. Paul Simeone – to spark what has evolved into the Kids’ Minds Matter movement.

There’s no denying we’ve made a LOT of progress already. But now let’s reflect on recent impacts to children’s mental health in Southwest Florida…

We all know there’s still so much to be done to address the children’s mental and behavioral health epidemic in Southwest Florida. Yet, despite the challenging circumstances kids’ face, WE won’t let any child fall through the cracks. As a great man once said: Not on Our Watch!

With the progress of the past five years in mind, we must face the present challenges before us. It’s time to envision our future.

I share Vanessa’s optimism and hope you do too. Remember, a kaleidoscope is filled with broken pieces, but when they all come together, they create something beautiful. We can and WILL bring the pieces together and turn things around for the children of Southwest Florida!


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