MISC IAE 2022 Day 8 | Star Citizen

Badgers got a Endeavour enough said! We didnt force him he did it on his own as well! We rubbing of on him!

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49 thoughts on “MISC IAE 2022 Day 8 | Star Citizen”

  1. I have an Endeavor, but don't want it in game until all the gameplay loops are in to support it and we are in bigger more spread-out systems where fleet support is a must!… I'm losing hope of such a day though lol.

    The Oddysey was called a Carrack killer to generate controversy, dialogue and hype lol… Nothing more… We will never have the full need for sub capital sized exploration ships.. Let's be real lol

  2. I suspect the Odyssey will greatly improve as it starts development and receives more scrutiny. The mining and refining, which is arbitrarily gimped so as not to step on toes of other ships, and the hangar are not enough to justify $700. I want to believe CIG will notice once it escapes vaporware status.

  3. I bet the modules will be very expensive in game costing at least a few million. because they are very large and have to be mounted on the ship in the shipyard.

  4. one of my biggest concern for star citizen is when the game is finally out and all the ships are purchasable in game with UEC (and no more wipes) ppl will be able to buy UEC from third party website which could then lead them to buy ships for 1/10 th of the store price (currently it is possible to buy 100 million auec for 100 bucks that's 3 carrack for 100 USD instead of 1800 USD. CIG have never adressed this issue

  5. Ok Algared, Badgers, Execute. Now we have the Galaxy with the medi module, would you still rather have the Endeavor with medical pod? If not then what would be your next choice for endeavor pods? The Agriculture ones?

  6. If they follow up the racing gameplay with gambling, then there will be great demand for in-game race coverage from the Reliant Mako. I could see it coming sooner rather later, just because of how they've accelerated the racing-related features. Granted perhaps that is wishful thinking.

  7. Hi guys,
    I want to start by saying I never misc your shows,
    The way you misc things together, just the right way,
    I Like how MISC is not misc'ing anything,
    With the misc ships available to play,
    I would like to end this misc'ing day,
    by, thanking Execute, Algared, and Badgers,
    Happy misc day,

    Hope you Like it,

  8. One person could technically operate the expanse and the prospector at the "same" time, as long as the expanse has automated interaction with the prospector(via hailing comm, like docking of the p-52 in andromeda), the expanse or the prospector could arrive at the area of mineable resource then the pilot commits suicide by leaving the ship without helmet and takes another ship to reach the place were he died, the method to mark the area would be to take a simple box delivery mission(3 boxes would be better) and leave it on the ship before death or leave it on next to the mineable resource.


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