Mikhail Gorbachev – Last president of the Soviet Union | DW Documentary

Mikhail Gorbachev was one of the driving forces behind the end of the Cold War in 1989/90. Without his policies of openness, measures then taken to curb nuclear weapons would have proved beyond reach and the Berlin Wall would not have fallen.

This documentary deals with one of the most gripping chapters in recent history – from the election of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. It features exclusive interviews with the late former Soviet leader and prominent politicians and statesmen active at the time. Mikhail Gorbachev, elected Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985, changed the course of world history with his twin policies of “glasnost” – “openness” – and “perestroika” – “restructuring”. But in the end, his legacy is an ambiguous one. The film includes interviews with former French Foreign Minister Hubert Védrine and German politician Horst Teltschik, both of whom played important roles in German reunification. Gorbachev’s former national security adviser Alexander Likhotal and others also chart the way nuclear weapons have since spread throughout an increasingly multipolar world. Gorbachev’s aim of bringing Europe and Russia together seems more remote than ever.

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38 thoughts on “Mikhail Gorbachev – Last president of the Soviet Union | DW Documentary”

  1. When I lived in the Philippines I talked to some people who were still alive from World War twold war 2 and the Japanese Imperial army soldiers would get drunk and shoot men women and children in the rice fields like rabbits. They would bayonet children. They wouldn't stop. They would either kamakazi or they would be like demons from h*** rising to the Earth to slaughter at will. Nothing else would stop them. I'm sorry but it was the only tool it's the only tool in the toolbox to stop stop the slaughter in every country the Japanese Imperial army visited

  2. Not sure how Russia's history book will remember Mikhail but the history book of the open world will definitely thank you 🙂
    Maybe Russian after an defeat will know the value of peace and co-existence instead of looking the other way when their ruler try to annex other =/ All just to revive the fallen USSR without looking at why it fails and the # of casualty it caused to its own people.

  3. I didn't know him at first. I thought he was just that random guy from Putin's senior officials. But actually he is the one to topple the Soviet union by giving freedom to contest/democracy to the people in Russia as well as other countries hold by the Soviet union before. So he's basically the father of modernization in Russia.

  4. World biggest terrorism is the nuclear arsenal and the sole responsible of this terrorism is American government, if they want peace for the whole humanity than they must dismantle all of their nuclear weapons and than whole world do the same completely eradicate the nuclear weapons otherwise sooner humans will see the doomsday destruction and nobody will be safe from this cataclysm

  5. Why is Hiroshima at the beginning of the movie? Why Hiroshima and Gorbachev? Why doesn't the woman accuse the US of using nuclear weapons? Dw is it US propagandists?

  6. Very well done, Gorbachev just passed away recently. I was in college when his best work took place and it all felt the world was changing for the better. And it did in lots of ways. Now 2022 and humanity´s history is tinged by a war in Ukraine (not that what happened in Iraq, Syria, still going on in Israel, is any better), but h*ll, I would think we, as a whole, would have moved beyond these things.

  7. As a New Zealander I'm pissed at America for continually demanding that we allow it to build a rediculous nuclear power station and war heads. NZ is a faultline which would cause another Fukushima and end the Pacific forever. Because of the USA, Russia and French politicians my people throughout the Pacific are STILL dying from cancer caused by atom bomb "testing"… NZ hates America and Russia.

  8. In the late 90s and early 2001s the west and nato turned down Russia for membership into the union. This was done because of the influence of the military industrial complex. They wanted to make sure we had an enemy, can’t make money selling weapons without a formidable enemy. Now we have one, greed will destroy us

  9. USSR went ot from the East Europe, but the US stayed in the west Europe. That is causing today problems, instead to of respect for the Russia deaccession , the EU under the US boots did some terrible political things. Nowadays some EU politicians are supporting neo Nazis regime in Ukraine. M. G. decision was bad due to he didn't wait that another side make the same moves and set free the West Europa.

  10. @DW Documentary you made some great points in this documentary, shared some great interviews. But Bill Clinton whom you here represented with one sentence about peace, actually gave the green light for the use of the nuclear weapons in Europe – Balkan. He did it thx to Tony Blair and Biden.
    Today 10 000's of people are dying every years from cancer in that region. German soldiers who served in Balkan often get cancer, and the German court made decision were they say it is caused by the radiation. Italian court made the similar decision for an Italian soldiers and claim that people in Balkan gets cancer from the D.U. .I honestly hope that one day you will have courage to make a documentary about it as well.


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