Midway From The Japanese Perspective

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It’s June 4, 1942, the Battle of Midway – a decisive battle of the Pacific War. The Japanese fleet also known as the Kidō Butai prepare to strike the decisive blow to the American fleet. But an unexpected set of events leads to the loss of 3 out of 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. The Rear Admiral Tamon Yamaguchi has a task of changing the course of the battle. Leading the aircraft carrier Hiryū he is to destroy the US ships: Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown.

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00:00 Kidō Butai is on its way to Midway
01:09 Hiryū is attacked by TBF Avengers
02:04 The planes are rearmed to charge Midway
03:01 The Americans are trying to destroy Hiryū
04:26 Zeros desperately try to stop TBD Devastators
05:11 World of Warships
06:05 Kidō Butai is making maneuvers to avoid torpedoes
06:43 SBDs’ severe attack on the Japanese fleet
08:38 The attack has been finished: only Hiryū survives it
09:32 It’s time for a Japanese revenge: dive bombers are on the go
10:10 Wildcats vs Japanese bombers
13:02 Tomonaga’s squadron attacks Yorktown
15:20 American planes bomb Hiryū to her bitter end
16:22 Yamaguchi’s last words to his men
17:33 Captain Kaku and Admiral Yamaguchi face their last sunrise

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45 thoughts on “Midway From The Japanese Perspective”

  1. Flag officers and valuable pilots throwing their lives away pointlessly in order to make some grand romantic gesture is exactly the sort of thing that guaranteed Japan's loss in WW2. There's nothing honorable about putting your personal "face" above the needs of your country, it's just an act of selfish stupidity.

  2. could you do a video on the battleship North Carolina?
    She was the most decorated american battleship of WW2 and was by claimed to be sunk by tokyo rose on 7 different occasions
    she participated in every major naval operation in the pacific

  3. Back in junior high I was a gaming nerd with specific tastes, and there were a few games from the now defunct Strategies And Tactics Magazine that were WW2 oriented.
    I always tried to hit the Soryu first, and it generally worked.
    But I would lose my butt every time I invaded Sicily.
    Thanks for reminding me of those games and the friends I made playing them,those were awesome days, in the 70s.
    Keep making the videos and I'll keep liking them.

  4. Toshio Abe became the new Japanese aircraft carrier still incomplete Shinano, At 3:17 a.m. on November 29, Shinano was hit by 4 of the 6 torpedoes launched by the American submarine USS Archerfish (SS-311), Shinano finally It capsized and sank on its stern at 11 in the morning, taking with it 1,435 men, including civilians and sailors. Abe locked himself in the wheelhouse with an ensign named Yazuda and sank with the ship at more than 4,000 m above sea level. depth,

  5. I really liked matching these events from what I recall of the video on the American perspective—the one about Kleiss, the bomber pilot who destroyed or participated in destroying all three carriers. Really great video. I hope you do more videos in the future that feature the different sides of the same battle. Obviously Midway was such a complex battle that has been studied to death in the decades since so it was a prime candidate for this sort of thing, but I'm sure there's others out there that would make for great videos like these ones.

  6. 2:25😂😂😂 носить втроем на руках бронебойные бомбы по 800 килограмм каждая, и 900 килограммовые торпеды. Чуваки я давно так не смеялся.

  7. It said that Admiral Yamaguchi committed seppuku facing the rising sun, aboard the sinking ship and Capt Kaku was his second. After the deed was done, Capt Kaku himself thrust his sword into his abdomen upto the hilt and gave up the ghost.

  8. The American ships had steamed from almost the exact position the Junior officers had put them in a war game exercise. They were told there was no way the Americans would be there and the exercise was restarted with the Americans coming form Pearl Harbor as the higher officers believed would happen. The two forces spotted each other at about the same time so who could launch first was most important. The Japanese would have been better off just launching their planes with whatever they were loaded with which would have at least got the planes off although even then the carriers would have been wrecked just from ordnance spread across the decks. Those planes would have still done damage to the Americans and would have been able to land on one of the carriers that had not been hammered.


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