Midnight Porridge (Josh Kingsford Full Comedy Special)

This is it. The big kahuna. The hardest I’ve ever worked on something. The culmination of so many years of effort. I hope you like it haha.

This was the product of filming 50 (ish) gigs over the past year. The making of this special had many challenges. Both expected and unexpected. Gonna gauge the reaction to it and then potentially make a video or two breaking down how I wrote the material and how it was filmed/edited together. There’s also so many alternative takes, failed sets, interesting adjustments, camera malfunctions and random happenings that have been caught on camera. It would be cool to show those as well.

Steve Martin recounted talking to Johnny Carson during an early ‘The Tonight Show’ appearance. Carson leaned in during a commercial break and told him “You’ll use everything you ever knew”. That has 100% been the case with this. It’s brought so many different skill sets into play. As a performer obviously it’s stretched me. But also as a YouTuber, editor, writer and amateur filmmaker. It’s been a huge struggle at times to persevere and get this thing to the level of quality I wanted. But I’m nothing if not stubborn haha.

The thing I’m proudest of, I hear you ask?
Making this special vindicated my belief in the YouTube channel. There’s always a risk as a video essayist that the things you teach can’t be applied in a practical setting. That you’re delivering well intentioned but ultimately pretentious wank. So I was stoked that I kept falling back on the things I’ve talked about for the past 4 years. Word choice, premises, rhythm, camera positions. Every video I’ve made has taught me new things about my own comedy. Which is honestly so cool!

I started the channel as a performer wanting to talk about comedy. But over the years I hid the performer side of myself. I’ve hardly talked about my own comedy in the videos. I’ve never used any of my own stand up as an example (even though there were times when it would have been an interesting point of discussion). I became scared. Scared that when people saw my comedy, they would think I sucked and wouldn’t care about anything I had to say. That my small following would evaporate and I’d be revealed as the imposter I was.

But I don’t feel like that any more. Over the last couple years, I’ve improved dramatically as a performer. My confidence has grown and I’ve found a voice that is weird, occasionally awkward and unique. It’s time to share this part of myself. It’s really exciting. Terrifying sure. But exciting. Who knows, maybe it will bring brighter opportunities for the channel moving forward.

Enjoy ‘Midnight Porridge’ 🙂


36 thoughts on “Midnight Porridge (Josh Kingsford Full Comedy Special)”

  1. This is awesome. Love the callback at the end. It's clear to see how the work you've put into studying comedians for your videos has paid off, and this provides an incredible backbone to your integrity as an essayist.

  2. Really good. I enjoyed the special overall, and can tell that a lot of time went into the writing. Reminds me of some of the early clips I've seen of James Acaster. I've loved your analysis over the years, and i can see exactly where you've learned some of the techniques employed in this, especially rhythm.

    I have written some standup myself- actually quite a lot, which I wrote when considering dropping out of college, as a "fallback career" of all things- but I've never peformed it. I get very self-conscious in general, and performing sounds impossible with the material I write, because of the very personal subject matters I always loop back to. This is really inspiring. I might try it now, or at least go and support my local standup scene.

  3. Fantastic. I was curious when I saw the video length and thought 'how did a Youtuber get an hour-long special?' But envisioning, planning, performing, and editing this all together over dozens of gigs is a great effort and you can really see how the character and your confidence as a performer grows. I can see where you take your influences from: Acaster's timid, prodding stage persona, or Stewart Lee's favourite bits (aping the audience, scraping the mic, fully buying into the sound malfunction), but making them your own. The whole piece is a wonderful peice of storytelling.

  4. I absolutely ADORE your special, Josh. I could see the heavy influence of the absurdity of James Acaster and the vulnerability of Jerrod Carmichael (was sitting on that uncomfortably sized seat to emphasize how childish you felt?). Plus, you have a lovely singing voice!

    Bravo…this one will stay with me for a LONG time. 🙂

  5. Finally found time to watch the entire thing…. I'll try and give an honest review 🙂

    Overall… Pretty good. Held my attention throughout and didn't feel boring at any time. One criticism could be that there weren't many "extremely high" points, most jokes got a good chuckle out of me but I think I laughed very hard at only 2-3 points in the show. Not bad at all, unless you want to compare yourself to the very best comedians out there. The dobby joke was top class though!

    You also seemed to have taken your own advice, implenting the tricks you've shown in your videos, some of the descriptive analogies were so good! I could also see a bit of James Acaster peeking through your character.

    One thing I really enjoyed was the uniqueness of the special. The stuffed toy bits made for an extremely good intro and segues for when you switched to different recordings. From the on stage prop usage, I really liked the creative use of the torch and bottle of water. The "story" of the special was told well and felt true to you and/or the character you were portraying. The jokes felt original, which is a lot more difficult to pull off than it seems nowadays with so many topics already being milked by every comic out there. All in all, I'd say it was atleast a 7/10.

    Now I don't really know what was missing or what you could have done better, but I just wanted to leave this comment because I felt like that the best thing I could do when you put so much effort in this special was to give you as honest of a review as I could. Hope it helps 🙂

  6. Im sorry, but the pirate bit absolutely floored me.


    Genuinely exceptional work. Great material, filmed properly, edited beautifully. Top notch. Would love to get you up to one of our nights in Leeds sometime

  7. Congratulations, Josh!

    Been following your channel ever since the Bo Burnham Inside video.
    Happy to see you still creating wonderful things for us commoners to enjoy 😉


  8. Man this is genuinely excellent, I can feel you channelling your inner James Acaster in the delivery but not so much as not to be completely unique. Hilarious throughout and I loved the Witcher 3 reference 🙂

  9. watching so many topics that you discuss in your videos being implemented in one special seems so genius for branding.
    The mic noises, the word choices, the rhythm fluctuations, mic placement, everything! Well done sir.

  10. Fantastic work man! Amazing to see the different elements that you've guided us through over the last few years all expertly and seamlessly crafted into one special. Can't imagine the work that has gone into this. You should be really proud of this, we're all really looking forward to seeing more of your comedy in future.

  11. Oh I love this, I am having so many emotions. Ahhh!! I am so impressed! I am cackling like a fool! I've loved this channel and when I saw you uploaded this I knew it would be amazing. I'm sick and things are hard and this feels so like a warm hug I needed. Thank you, thank you, please don't stop 😀


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