MID CENTURY Pack but not what I expected in Cities Skylines | Sunset City 10

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42 thoughts on “MID CENTURY Pack but not what I expected in Cities Skylines | Sunset City 10”

  1. Would you please let the cars drive straight forward when entering the city?
    The coming traffic will be insane once you start building the other islands, because every car is stopping and trying to make a left in the junction.

    Plus. The hotel could use a golf park next to it 🙂

  2. Will you release this map for others to build? Very intrigued by this map compared to other similar ones from other content creators like the Palm Beach map.

  3. Awesome. I'm recreating Key west and stock island, can you share where you got the invisible networks (I know you said you can't remember the name, not sure if you have the load order tool?) and the docks behind the homes?

  4. that texture by the industrial yard looks so nice like it slopes into swamp. A few loose gators? Beautiful build, reminds me of Sanibel Island before Ian. . . happy honeymoon, look out for falling iguanas!

  5. It kinda irks me that the three buildings of the resort on the corner aren't properly alligned.
    The resort adjesenct to the tennis court needs to be moved a teeny bit towards the beach, so that is lines up with the building opposite the street.

  6. Not sure if anyone said this, but the left side of the entrance to the marina should probably have some rocks/boulders there to buffer the wake of boats coming in and out. Nice stuff!

  7. Please remove the industry from the area… even tho in the real world they would probably shove industry everywhere it seems like this island is more like a recreational island so lets keep it clean and beautiful

  8. Btw, "San Julia" doesn't work if it's Spanish…. it's a masculine "saint" (san) and a feminine name "Julia". I'm not going to tell you to change it, but it's weird. It should be San Julio, or Santa Julia… just FYI 🙂

  9. I was absolutely blown away by that invisible network tool for landscaping and the boat spawns. Totally didn't know either of those existed. Heck just the other day I watcedh City Planner Plays do the size one/strength one landscape brush struggle to get a square shaped pond.

  10. Think missing some services like police and fire. Would be great to see those small town police and fire stations as well as maybe a small medical centre

  11. The traffic comes from having 2 nodes too close together. Every individual car stops on the highway before turning into the town because they don't want to block the intersection. (I don't know exactly why it does it, but moving the rail crossing a bit further should fix it.)


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