Michelangelo – The most questionable design in World of Warships, but a lot of fun to play

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30 thoughts on “Michelangelo – The most questionable design in World of Warships, but a lot of fun to play”

  1. You can tell they added the new cruiser captain skill that buffs the secondaries and the torps just for this ship and Napoli. There is no other ship in game that would benefit from that, except maybe Kitakami with the torp dmg buff

  2. Has anyone noticed how different gameplay / toxic it gets on weekends?

    I’m a casual player and weekdays are great, as I’ve experienced most of the time with WoW.

    This last weekend someone just went off the deep end on me because we lost a flank, despite the team winning the game.

    I don’t engage back, but it kind of left a bad taste for me as I try to be encouraging, and it’s not like I misplayed either. Meh sucks.

  3. Third game: 108 k in a Tier IX “cruiser” in a Tier X/Starship game is not that bad. Survived quite awhile sailing around in the middle, surrounded by hostiles.
    Once opposing players are used to the gimmicks it might not be so easy, though.

  4. Cursed by design.
    Ineffective, inaccurate and weak in terms of utility imo.
    Fun in a way that requires completely different mindset of playing, but only for that reason absolutely not needed in port.
    Thx for the vid.

  5. Since the main battery is cursed beyond redemption, I think what could make this ship more attractive is secondary battery, maneuverability and some consumable buff. As much as I can see, the secondary is terrifying, it can be considered rivalling German BB except those high-arc shells are 90mm.

  6. It's like the TOG. I wonder how a Michelangelo pain train (division of 3) would fare. Even better that a Napoli one, I guess.

    I'm referring to the tactic of having 3 italian cruisers raging around the map taking with their smoke to keep all the pack unseen and using mostly or only their secondaries to wreak havoc. Possibly with the help of a spotting DD or a CV.

    Tons of fun!

  7. Not sure about this ship, heavy reliance on secondaries with this while the secondaries are 25% less accurate than Napoli secondaries. While this is supposed to have higher secondary hitting dpm than Napoli I would suggest that is only reliable against bigger ships due to the accuracy difference… while you can rely on a Napoli to take out a DD with secondaries most of the time (with assistance from main guns) I don't think the same can be said of this ship, probably designed to be more of a light cruiser killer. Like the Napoli the majority of secondaries lack pen to hurt bb, so unless it has a big superstructure to hit, not something to brawl with against bb. Interestingly while the main gun dispersion and sigma is noticeably worse than Napoli, the sap may give it more dpm damage, when you can hit your target. WG gets a sincere nice try with this one imo, but probably too fragile / frustrating accuracy wise to play much, might be something to occasionally dust off for fun in ranked though, unsuitable for the random battle meta sadly. Btw, suspect the placement of the main guns is designed to force players to play this as an ambush ship and not fire main guns much outside of secondary range.

  8. When I first read about this ship and then saw previews I was like Yeah, I dunno about that. Now it’s the dockyard ship? A million dollars for this?? Hell to the no. Who the hell camped outside Wargaming HQ and constantly pissed and moaned about secondary cruisers?????? I know I sure didn’t.

  9. If that design were in the least bit realistic, firing the main battery at anything close to forward arcs would wreck the superstructure. There are good reasons for having the main battery fore and aft – firing arcs are only one of them.

  10. my friend, it seems like this ship would be a pure secondary build. the main gun, s are, as you said, unwieldy and not very accurate,
    plus it is no speed demon lol! thank you for another great video.


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