Chilling Evidence of UFOs | Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation (S1, E3) | Full Episode

The list of military eyewitnesses describing strange and threatening unidentified craft in U.S airspace is growing. And now, a U.S. …


29 thoughts on “Chilling Evidence of UFOs | Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation (S1, E3) | Full Episode”

  1. People laugh at things like this but dont laugh at SETI sending signals and messages into outer space for contact of other civilizations. And radio waves are always being sent in our own planet but can be picked up from afar as well….

    We can not be the 1 civilization in this one galaxy let alone the universe. Open your mind to the possibilities .

  2. When we look first at multi-galaxy roll-up phases, i.e. in the million galaxy expanse of Pisces, where we live, whatever you see or notice there is already in a much larger multi-galaxy aggregate phase. The difference between a fast-fluctuating roll-up phase (which is like a stroboscopic look at many galaxies in a gravity lensing configuration) and a multi-galaxy aggregates phase is that the aggregate involves a greater number of galaxy supercluster branchings. Due to dark matter’s rounded, extra-dimensional phasing of such phenomena in mind(s), our look at any one vast aggregate phase causes many others to show up in spectacular, universe-spanning array of vast, rounded yet elastically configured ways. You see a number of them stretching far out, across the universe. Due the plus-or-minus light speed elasticity of all energies seen in a universe-spanning context, the extra-dimensional plasma of mind(s) overlap with those of other living populations and the result is a spectacular, very colorful universe-spanning variety of vast, many galaxies geometries.

    To interact within such geometries is normal, but it isn’t individualistic. Instead, it’s about many minds, extra-dimensional communities. Add whales to the picture and you won’t even need words because no single language is adequate, only the language of ideas and relationships. So how would we intact on that scale? When we do, we notice that in a fractions of the universe sense, such geometry is an active, you’re-inside-of-it relationship of deeper connectedness in big plasma. For example, let’s talk about how it all looms up initially. When you realize that your vast, rounded cloud of detailed cosmic relationships is an alternate-time phase of the entire universe, you begin to look for vast, round fractions of that. So, initially, few minds would even know the scale of the aggregate phase they’re inside of. However, for those like me who want to know, your first thought is about what’s on the other side of the giant aggregate that looms up around, alt. in front of you. Then you notice that there are distant, over-the-horizon aggregates behind the one you’re in, and then they manifest on an extra-vast, larger scale.

    So, once you see and feel a giant elliptical-like phase that you find yourself alternately in, try to discern whether the individual, rounded energy-space parts of it are simply minds in time-space, or whether they’re vast, round many-galaxy aggregate spaces (great numbers of them). You have to remember, that even if they are, there’s an intricately delicate and beautiful variety of past memories, even past lives in that same space. So, you can’t will it all into appearing in a close, personal way. You have to be a better, extra-dimensional version of yourself, your peoples, and all of the minds you feel close to and care about. You have to be see-through, cloud-like being-ness, the way that other e.t.’s are, as a matter of course. When your consciousness encompasses either the entire universe or vast, fractional parts of it, you begin to affect the very geometries that you see and feel. So, if you want to know more about those other lives in those vast spaces, you’ll have to venture out of your single sense of yourself and, effectively, put on an extra-dimensional show, a vastly elastic, always-changing larger scale of relationships in vivid, spectacular yet detailed ways. That won’t get you into those other lives in their all-memories way, but, for example, if you elucidate the many worlds details in it with color, deep comprehension and creative geometries, other minds may want to interact.

    When you see one vast, rounded many-galaxies space right there as though it’s right next to you, you’re really in a vastly larger universe-spanning variety of time-spaces surrounding it. Try slowing it all down, while keeping your mind out on that scale, and you’ll see what I mean. Again, this is like non-locality but on a vast, aggregates scale. If you select one vast parameter, the only way you can see or discern it is from a fast-shifting variety of yet larger perspectives. These are always extant yet fluctuating in vast, across-the-universe aggregate phases. They aren’t singular. Instead, they’re plural and there’s vastly more detail in them, but for those of us who need vast, universe-spanning overviews for the work that we do, they’re necessary. I write about such topics and have to essentially prosecute all of the androids (and the atrociously sadistic e.t.’s that created them) in a categorically far beyond them way, so, of course I inhabit a vastly larger scale. I encourage other extra-dimensional mind populations to kill if necessary to prevent all android approaches to their vicinity. And then I step off of that limited scale and sometimes show other populations how dangerously incompetent any use of androids would be. It’s merely extra-dimensional community work, much like a brief public service message in time-space.

    So, let’s leave monster androids far behind and talk about how good, competent e.t. minds interact on universe-spanning scales. Let’s look at the next phases of mind in those fast-shifting, larger varieties of perspectives that surround any discernable many-superclusters aggregate. You should be able to see how, when you realize that you’re in a vastly larger scale of mind interactions, you’re feeling across the limits of the observable universe per any sense of light, as we know it. So, you’re inhabiting a vastly larger, more deeply detailed extra-gravitic universe. Now, this is where we do a skip-category phase change and step so far out beyond those limitations that we have to think in terms of the most exotic, many-minds over matter capabilities possible. Again, this is basic, if not expected in extra-dimensional, universe spanning mind(s) community. If you can visualize over-the-horizon phases of universe, please remember, they’re always extant all around us. In this way, you can begin to live within a much older universe of possibilities that good, creative minds will enjoy more than the merely observable limits of small-minded imaginations.

    Our many-minds super-aggregates phases described above should have clued you to how minds in all-of-time parameters really are. You don’t have to think that you’re feeling, in a linear way, into a very limited future. Instead, please consider how, in many-minds extra-dimensional consciousness, you’re phasing into vastly older configurations of the universe, alternate time-spaces that aren’t limited to a light-speed idea of technology. After all, isn’t that how you experience closer, inside of distant galaxies vividness, already? Let’s pause here and agree: once you get to these extra phases of existence, remember, they’re always extant and the speed of light can be exceeded in plus-or-minus the entire, observable universe ways, as a matter of course. That merely entails an alternately “reverse” (really multi-directional) extra phasing back through and across the universe in ways that exceed old possibilities vastly. Again, in the most energy efficient, coherent kind of universe, neither flat space-time nor flat time-space are adequate to describe the real extent of many-minds consciousness. Get used to it because, for the best minds it lasts forever.

  3. The extent of human radio broadcast is out to 200 light years, so life would have to exist in that range for it to detect our weak radio signal and they would have to have developed radio at around the same time to pick it up. More advanced civilizations would be long past radio frequency and might not even notice a radio broadcast from earth. Aside from all that it will be 30,000 more years before our signals reach the center of the milkyway….maybe longer. To get to the other side would take another 30,000 years….good luck waiting that out.

  4. What difference does it make if there are other people or aliens as u call it. These people have been here long before us. Their intelligence is superior to ours we will never reach their level.

  5. I was honestly hoping for some convincing evidence, but this is poorly made garbage. It's all questionable actual footage at best, surrounded by "recreations" and conspiracy theory hearsay. This is TV for morons. Two actual videos and 50 "recreations". Give me a break. It's almost as bad as Ghost Encounters.

  6. 2004 was an interesting for Phenamina. It was the year of the Great Earthquake of Haiti and it was also the year of the so called miss of a Gamma Ray Burst that just missed Earth going by. ??

  7. This is a great research study and conclusion is there’s something very advanced out their…rather manmade or from something else, it’s here. Question for US is whether or not this is a security risk? Is it from another nation or aliens? Wow. Either way absolutely amazing technology.

    Drawing off all the small of data I’ve collected from learning about this is it seems US made and they test it out and probably did on a training mission with Nimitz years back. They use Mexican island cause it’s technically in our regional territory and they haven’t been pushing to investigate. Perfect location cause it’s in middle of nowhere. That’s just me being biased cause I’m not an alien believer yet but open to it possibly being one.

  8. So obviously the History channel is in cahoots with the U.S governments agenda to try to scare the public into thinking that UFO's are a threat to national security. Obviously if these beings wanted to destroy us they would have a long time ago. The truth is they are most likely trying to protect us from ourselves. The U.S. government and the History channel are up to no good here.

  9. What´s with the agenda of fear with these Hisotry Channel UFO ducumentaries? The titles of these videos all imply that the aliens are plotting to kill us all. The fact is non of these thousands upon thousands of sighting have been threatening at all. I think the History Channel is in cahoots with the U.S government in some agenda of frear mission.

  10. I heard the best comment today: “Believing we are alone in the universe is like taking a spoonful of the ocean and saying you don’t believe in whales and sharks because there is none in your spoon”.

  11. I have suspicions-"There's a whole FLEET (1-‽) of’ IT- JUST THAT 1 ‽ A FLEET OF 1, HUH?
    We're being monitored to see if we're going to do something ELSE STUPID. A-GAIN‽ A fleet IS being monitored.

  12. Anything that is not of God is of the Devil. UFOs and "Aliens" are demons, fallen angels and such. Used to scare you and distract you. UFOs & Aliens will probably be used to get the citizens of the world to look to their governments to protect them or to distract its citizens from the shady things the Government is up to. Perhaps also to help usher in the Mark of the Beast and the Anti-Christ. Those that believe in the Rapture, where Jesus comes to collect his Church, many think THEY will use UFOs and Aliens as the reason so many Christians disappeared all over the world. This would be because THEY do not want people to know God exists or that Jesus is real. After the Rapture, the only way to save your soul from eternal damnation, would be to become a believer (that Jesus came to Earth, was born of a virgin, died for our sins and rose the third day), to repent for your sins and to NOT take the Mark of the Beast (in your hand or your forehead) even if it means you will die for your belief, like have your head lopped off.


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