MHR Sunbreak: Best Early MR Long Sword Build (No Spoilers)

We missed one detail: The Yukumo armor is unlocked in MR2 by completing 2 key quests, as well as the first urgent quest, then talk to Pingarh The Sailor and complete the quest “A Dangerous Dare”.
We are sorry for not having mentioned that in the video.

Thanks to Capcom for the early access opportunity to prepare a lot of videos for you guys!

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33 thoughts on “MHR Sunbreak: Best Early MR Long Sword Build (No Spoilers)”

  1. there are several questions open.

    For the Yukumo armor u need to progress a little bit in MR2, once you done that you will have a quest called "A Dangerous Dare" at the Docks. Kill that and you unlock the armor (already in the Description)

    For the Ingot Mail X u need to get the Ores, the ones you are probably missing are Awegite and Purecrystal which are MR Ores. (Awegite u can get in Shrine Ruins pretty fast and Purecrystal go to Flooded Forest and Mine the Blue Ore right at the start). After u have those 2 Ingot Set should be unlocked for you.

    For the Alloy Set its the same, u are missing Frocium Ore which you are getting from Frost Island Ores (white should be fine).

    have fun hunting 🙂

  2. Honestly I saw no reason to switch off the HR Valstrax set up until MR-3. The defense was still higher than most sets up until then, Dragonheart is just way too good, and even without 4-slot Decos there’s still plenty of room to optimize. This’ll be good for people who never got to HR-100 or are just now buying the game though.

  3. This build is so good! And the fact that you can make it with your own lil touch too is just chef’s kiss.

    I have 3 different little combos on this build which are: near infinite sharpness, critical element (not really as good since this is more of a raw build but still gets the job done), and a pure crit boost build. The second he said the talisman was up to us I just immediately got to making this

  4. I feel like some of the HR builds can still carry you through MR 3 and 4, but I definitely see potential in making a some elemental LS builds

  5. This is a great build, although I personally went for a similar build, you have to get a 2 Quick Sheath Talisman, with a 3 and a 2 slot, for the sword I went with the Imperial sword II, then you get the anjanath coil and braces and helment from the yukumo set, and Ingot mail, finishing with the Baggi legs, and you get the decos, and get more attack, same stun resistance and better defense, even with this, just before the first of the 3 lords, its similar to the Valstrax Armor w/ Chamelios LS, so I'd say it's the users call to upgrade and farm for a bit or go the HR meta

  6. It will probably seems like an evidence for everyone, but i found that MR armor have the same stats as their HR counterparts, at least in early MR (i am actually MR3), with more decorations slot. So if you used the rise Tigrex LS build or Chameleos build, it is still viable, better than this build, and you can upgrade the parts of everything aside from Teostra parts between MR1 and 3, to gain more armor and decoration slots. And for the weapon, i personnaly found the Kamura tree is better than the black katana mk1. Because untill MR3, your Tigrex LS is between 5 and 10% better from what i calculated on the training ground based on average damage for each specific attacks, and you need a mob i don't have access to at MR3 curently to upgrade it, but the Kamura LS can be upgraded easily at MR3. Basically, even if you compare it to the black katana mk1+, you have a little less white sharpness (but can fill 2 handicraft jewel if you up everything you can at MR3 with the same old talents kept), 5% affinity less but it doesn't matter a lot because you are still at 90% flat on weak points and you have 2 levels of the Barioth's chest skill wich gives you a total of 20% affinity when you are at max stam for a few seconds (can't remember the name), but 10 more raw damage on the LS (280 instead of 270 for black katana mk1+).

    I don't know if the utility of the Kamura tree ends there, and if the black katana gets way better than kamura's later, but i don't think it is a big deal since i think both will be replaced in late game… So with the old build, Tigrex HR LS is better than black katana MK1. But if you only started the game or don't already have the old Tigrex raw HR set, don't bother finish it the difference is only 7% something like that.

  7. 日本語なので申し訳ないです。
    Dark sideさんこれからも頑張ってください
    Thank you!


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