Mega Compilation of Disturbing Trail Cam Footage 2023

In this video we explore some very creepy and strange captures on trail cams. So far, 2023 has been a year filled with many strange things caught on trail cams. From weird unidentified creatures, to killers, and to many other unexplainable phenomena. So, today I decided to highlight some of the most chilling and downright horrifying creatures caught on trail cameras this year. So, grab your popcorn and allow your fear to be maximized as we recap the scariest trail camera clips of 2023.
Mega Compilation of Disturbing Trail Cam Footage 2023

~ Maximum Fear 🙂


33 thoughts on “Mega Compilation of Disturbing Trail Cam Footage 2023”

  1. Watch the occasional wildlife documentary. Elk make stranger noises than that elk. It's during the rutt. They make a noise like a high pitch scream being drawn with something sharp being dragged down a blackboard. I think it's one of the most grating and horrible noises in nature.

  2. Leave nature to do what nature does best and hopefully she will be able to help clear most of the parasites on her own. And by parasites I mean humans. We class ants and bugs and cockroaches as parasites but look at the "damage" a cockroache does to the planet and compare the damage caused by the human parasites, I say come on nature, fight for your world, get these parasites down to a controllable number, fight your parasites like we fight ours. NATURE RULES!!!

  3. That “Moose” is an Elk and that scream is their mating call. And that “bobcat” is a mountain lion/cougar like the one you had in a video earlier in this compilation. And yeah. Cougars sound like a woman being killed. Horrific. Bobcats just sound like a wild cat.

  4. The strange deer is either dying from the injuries around its neck or it has chronic wasting disease (CWD). CWD is an infection in the brain similar to mad cow disease. This illness has no known cure. The infected deer act in bizarre ways, walking around in a daze, walking in circles, odd facial expressions and body movements, etc. Wildlife experts will kill these animals rather than leave them to suffer. The body should be burned so no other animal eats from the carcass, innocently unaware they are getting the disease.

  5. That so-called Bigfoot walking across the water looks just like a man with gray hair and some kind of a suit, if you look at it you can actually see a man with a short gray hair cut walking across there and it actually looks like a suit because it's baggie and bending in the wrong spots LOL😮

  6. The clip of what looks like a wild boar almost looks like it actually could be a boar but with one of those bat-like creatures that was attached to the goat attached to it! Anyone else see this?

  7. You are a liar or an ignorant. The groundhog is The Chunk and Jeff the Gardener gives them fruits and vegetables since 5 years for him, his wife and their babies. They live under the shed and like eating in front of the cams. They’re also Pesky the squirrel, Tinkerbell the beautiful skunk lady, now with her male and baby, a rabbit, some birds, a cute possum eating apples at night and so on. I watch them for 3 years now.

  8. I live in Canada and you seem to think that we dump our smoke over your country. I wonder when one of your crazy politicians would consider to put a plastic wall to keep you all away from our smoky pollution! 🤪

  9. You say that you never see personally a glitch in camera so you think ( like ever) that it’s a skinwalker! But you never personally see one either!🙄😵‍💫i suggest a consulting for cryptid obsession.


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