Meeting a Friendly Tarkov Chad…

Follow Here: @AquaFPS
PODCAST: @The Gamer Hole Edited by Creators Club/Aingel:
Epic Games Code: Aqua_FPS Merch:
Posters are shipped & Plushies are shipped.

Cool Clothes:

These are funny moments from the live stream of AquaFPS. Stream Live on Twitch. These are some of the best bits and highlights. AlsoAqua is the highlight channel for AquaFPS, make sure to check out his main channel as well on youtube. 12.12 is amazing

#Tarkov #AquaFPS #EscapeFromTarkov


37 thoughts on “Meeting a Friendly Tarkov Chad…”

  1. Aqua I caught covid and I’m stuck inside for New Years and I was really fucking pissed about everything for no good reason but watching this turned my mood COMPLETELY around, I don’t even know exactly why but you’re just one of my favorite people dude. Keep fuckin it up dude

  2. This was an amazing VoIP interaction again. It's great to see all the editors doing their own unique edit styles too for AlsoAqua like this one from AIngel, gj man.

  3. I swear, that battle with the scav is me every time I play. I know everyone wants to brag and shit, but, as an older gamer, I appreciate you so much, Aqua. You game like the rest of us, we have our moments, whether that be terrible or great, we never know which until it happens. Thanks for making me realize I am not alone in the struggle.

  4. I could never really play solo Tarkov. It's not that I never play solo, I bang some quests out alone. Over the years of pain and suffering in Tarkov I have adjusted my ways enough to not freeze in fear, and I stopped avoiding every single fight; now it depends whether I just want to do some stupid quest and dip or can I die and not care, because it's kinda like walking into a casino, you gotta be at peace with losing your shit before you start a fight. I enjoy some company when playing, duo is the sweet spot for me, trios feels like we're overpowered. I noticed I play a lot different in solos too, you gotta adjust for the lack of numbers on your side so I flank A LOT (works like a charm in this game, people get so fixated on your first position) and get a lot of sneaky kills and I avoid the head on fights because I just can't win a fair 1v2 fight a lot of the times unless I shoot first. In duos we take most fights without much maneuvering which to be honest is a little bit sad, we could be a bit more tactical, but at the same time we're really good at just going balls deep so I guess if it ain't broken don't fix it.

  5. why were you going to betray people? Are you not a nice person? No it's not "just a video game", it's another human being and you are manipulating them and betraying their trust. People who think this is okay need serious healing. They are skewed.


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