Blue Angels take it to SF skies one last time for Fleet Week | WATCH LIVE

Watch the Blue Angels take it to the San Francisco skies one last time for Fleet Week.

#blueangels #fleetweek #airshow #abc7news


11 thoughts on “Blue Angels take it to SF skies one last time for Fleet Week | WATCH LIVE”

  1. I hope the wheels on their F18s don't get stolen overnight in Oakland, it would delay their departure and the canopies on their planes are too hard to smash but who knows after all it is Oakland.

  2. Part of Biden's build back better plan, for the doom loop cities in the bay area! Get used to military actions, crime out of control, homeless out of control, all thanks to the corrupt Democrats and Fake media that continues to support this.

  3. I remember when we had the Presidio, Alameda NAS, Oakland Army Base, Mare Island, Concord Naval Weapons Station, Hamilton AFB, Fort Ord, and Treasure Island. Now there is Travis. When a Chinese carrier group come steaming through the Golden Gate, I bet the bums and thieves will clear the street in a hurry. Thanks Libs!


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