MARS ATTACKS was absolutely insane

AYYLIEN Mars Attacks tee from this vid β–Ί

Thank you for watching! πŸ‘½


Video Written and Co-edited by Elvis
Video Edited by β–Ί Brodie :
Thumbnail Created By β–Ί Elvis
Music used β–Ί super mario 64 theme song and snow level song
Outro song β–Ί


28 thoughts on “MARS ATTACKS was absolutely insane”

  1. Bro this man actually went to a place in the movie real quick talk about nobody is doing this or going this extra mile for content just thank you brah I appreciate the effort

  2. True story: I watched this with my parents when I was around 6, and I had night terrors for 2 weeks because I was afraid the aliens were going to kill me, when I got into my scary movie phase I thought I'd look it back up on a whim. Imagine my surprise when I find out its a comedy πŸ™ƒ

  3. How can anything break your immersion into this? The whole film breaks your immersion. Really weird thing to complain about.
    The film is cult, I love it, it holds up much better than you think, if you watch it with the right expectations. I'd give it an 8 or 9 out of ten.
    The film is an adaptation of a silly trading card set, of b and c class SF sch lock from the 50s and 60s. It's not supposed to make sense, because the stuff it is modelled after made no sense.
    It's one thing to criticize continuity errors, because those are actual mistakes, but to criticize a film for making no sense, that wasn't supposed to make sense in the first place is ridiculous.
    I'm sure you know most of this, that's why it feels weird, even a bit dishonest, how you go about critiquing the film.

  4. Vivid childhood memory. I got this movie as a gift n was surprised how good it was >D Took forever to get to watch it bc the same Christmas me n my brother got ps1 and Tomb Raider 1. Laras tatas still on my mind.. Oh those damn wolfs, it was mind blowing to do backflips while dual wielding chrome guns . Thx for unlocking my memory Elvis

  5. I hate when animals get killed in stuff and this film has some horrible examples of that, the dove getting shot, the dog, the bird in the cage…

    It's just not nice to witness when you're looking to have a good time.

    It's obviously not real, but it's an emotional child brain vs a logical adult brain sort of thing.


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