When Your The Most Popular Fox At Geek Retreat | How To Not Run A #dnd Game Store

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46 thoughts on “When Your The Most Popular Fox At Geek Retreat | How To Not Run A #dnd Game Store”

  1. My local geek retreat is actually pretty good, the community is great, the staff are amazing, the products being sold are actually pretty decent in terms of both quality and quantity, and the events on each week are always packed. I guess mine's either a once off thing, or it's because it's the only proper game store in our town where people can sit down and hang out.
    Great video though guys, didn't realise other GRs are complete trash 💀

  2. Oh great! Now I've got a scene of Nurgle and a dozen GUOs and Mortarion playing Yugi-Oh! while a bunch of Death Guard stoolies look around in confusion.

    Put that shit on a T-shirt, I would by the fuck out of it.

  3. At local geek retreat:
    Celtic boss music plays

    Water freezes, milk spoils, dogs growl and cats hiss and run, the bell tolls and windows rattle

    Furry feels terror and pain at the appearance of the great enemy
    James appears at the door

    “You boys ever heard of morkborg?”

    Everyone shrieks and turns to goo like raiders of the lost ark

  4. Hire attractive femoids to pretend to be customers and play with other customers and be nice to them while making it clear they dont want to boink just play (and spend money in the store) "may i buy you a drank m'lady" furious fedora tipping

  5. Ive checked out Noble Knight, their okay other than that there is just a handful lgs most of them are alright.
    As a YGO player i make sure to take showers & ive never came across anyone who smells like a** in locals, however ive ran across MtG players that smelt like a sewer & were outright disgusting.

  6. this really speaks to me, my LGS is having these issues. 10 years open, and the dude just refuses to work with the community. We play alot of Malifaux, he keeps zero stock. He has a cafe setup, but will grumble endlessly if anyone orders anything. Dude's got mountains of dead stock, games he likes but nobody else does. Man's driving away his regulars with a shitty attitude over people expecting him to have the fucking lights on in the hall…

  7. Would be a bit much to have those tables with the screen, and on a timer like some coin operated shit.

    I'd love a place that has some crafting space. Not everyone has a studio room for making shit out of EVA, a remotely competent person to help out, or like rent time on a 3d printer. Could sell basic mats and resin for a good margin

  8. If you want to have a gaming shop, dont go with GR. They were charging £6500 to join, then 8% of your monthly turnover. Thats now about £13500, dont know the percentage. And their head office is currently in liquidation…
    But yeah, their habbit of opening practically on the doorstep of established game shops is really bad. A game shop in Galashields had to shup up a few months after a GR opened 20 seconds away, then that GR shut down 6 months later (they were apparently paying £4000 a month on rent, so not sure what they were expecting).

  9. I work at noble Knight. It's online mostly but we have one brick and mortar store. If you buy a used mini there is a non 0 chance ive touched it. And you currently have my skin cells in your home. Where I am slowly multiplying. I am inevitable

  10. You need to listen to the Britney Spears song toxic as a metal version. It sounds so much better. There's so many '80s songs. They turn into metal music which you never thought would be good but are like a chef's kiss. Amazing!

  11. Agree with Guardbro on his example with food, literally the reason I only go out for Asian/Arab food but not stuff like local/italian etc.
    Same goes for the point about kids in stores. I'd wish there was a good way to make something "adults only" without it sounding like its gonna be some ERP shit or sth. I guess, slapping one of those 16+ age rating thing on the door, in the same design as the ones on video games etc, or have large windows in the store so people can see it isn't filled with people jacking it at the table….

  12. There's this mtg creator called rudy who actually does a really good breakdown on the math of running a game store. basically you're either teetering on the edge at best or probably 1 week away from bankruptcy. Also, the Egyptian God Cards' original English release was basically a scam because unlike the Japanese versions, they weren't legal to play. Not nonviable, flat out against the rules to use because they had nonstandard card backs and no legal effect text despite being effect monsters.

  13. I would assume if you had a game store you are actually and event manager, with a store. you should have constant events going on to bring people in. It sucks in South Africa there is almost no incentive to own a game store outside Joburg or Cape Town. In cities here with a million or less plus people, one game stores would struggle to be profitable.

  14. One of my oldest brother's best friends had opened up a video game shop years ago, and failed. Eventually he went into joint ownership of a Board Game Cafe. Good food and drink, pay $5 to access their library of games, some are bought, lots are donated, and they still sell new games in the box upfront.

    Good place and the business is doing well.

  15. 30:00 the problem here is that you not have two different licenses to juggle. One for food prep, and one for selling alcohol. Also if you sell alcohol it might be harder to get younger people in. Now you guys might call that a win, but teenagers are a big source of income for a game store too. And if you run a quality store, you also get yourself a long-term customer who will come and spend their summer job cash, and then later their proper job cash at your store.

  16. We have a game store called Gamers Heaven here in PA, I can honestly say that they're doing quite well, they actually make money and are BYOB, they'd sell beer, but Pennsylvania limits the amount of liquor and beer licenses so they just made it BYOB, which makes sense. Plus beer licenses are expensive AF here in PA.

  17. Tldr, geek retreat sucks lel.

    A geek retreat opened in my city a couple years ago, with the audacity to open 2 units away from a historic games workshop store and flgs, step into the store, theyre only selling wotzy "premium" stuff, layers upon layers of plushes, geegaws and doodads, all there mtg product was a single set of eldraine, perched dejectedly on the corner counter, dnd books on the bottom shelf with no price tags, store sold dice, but only the red "official" dnd brand ones at a 15% mark up, the food, as much as i call it food, was burger and chips that had been left under the hot-plate so long it fossilised into styrofoam, and they had the gall, the bald faced gall to try and sell wh40k (only ultramarines lel) at a 10% mark up in window display view of the other two stores (both of which sold the same models at a cheap as possible discount), i took five steps in, laughed raukously, and left, five months later the store would close, and the nerds they cteated, now christened "refugees", are a blight upon the land, bringing poor taste and rampant materialism in their wake, a friend of mine worked there, he was fired for spilling milk, ironically, they were also the person in charge of running all the "intro to X tcg" thing, so the store fired its only employee willing to induct people into hobbies, for spilling fuckin milk in the kitchen.

  18. How to business(according to James):
    >Buy a sellers licence off of myminifactory
    >Sell saidoverdesigned licenced minis.
    >Psyop people into buying said minis to generate engagement
    >write "rpg sourcebooks" and "game systems" (whatever at least they're original works)
    >Sell said books at a loss

    What did he mean by this?


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