Mahokenshi – Deal Death, Shuffle Towards Victory! Adventure is in the Cards!

Today, we’re taking a quick peek at Mahokenshi, a strategy deckbuilding game with an Oriental flare! Take on the role of the titular Mahokenshi as you wage a war for survival against the dreaded Oni King!

Deal death, shuffle towards victory! Adventure is in the cards!

00:00 Intro.
02:51 The basics.
09:12 Drawn to danger…
14:56 Getting decked out!
27:48 Death-dealer.
37:20 Adventure is in the cards!
41:23 Outro & Special Thanks!

I’m not affiliated with Mahokenshi, Game Source Studio, or Iceberg Interactive in any way (though they *were* kind enough to send me an early key). I’m just an oldschool tabletop gamer who loves puttering with new RPGs and strategy games. 🙂

You can find out more about Mahokenshi here:

And you can contact me here:
[email protected]

If you’d like to help support the channel, you can do so here:

Special thanks to all my Patrons who have been generous enough to help support the channel!

Raider Lords: Dragonmatrix7, Mathew Smith, and Revenant!

Raider Captain: Alois, Drakiith, EerieV23, egg, EgonAlter, Emile, Exsellsior, Gottlieb, James Trimmier, Kazorm, Mark Giemza, Nathan Welch Jr, OverlordPherom, RandomPassrby, RobbyB, Tomasz Piątkowski, Triphoppenskip, and Valinrook!

Veteran Raiders: Blaine Landowski, Bob, Dale Johnson, Dr Funkenstein, Glenn Jensen, Gresham, Icestormshadow, Indiana Smith, Jakub Kalabiński, Jas Orcblood, Jeffrey McInnes, Jeremy Wirth, kasves, killerMinnow, Lady Shayna, Laura and Mike, Michael Bain, Nerd_Prof, Neuro Lancer, Nischco, NOD Goblin Nico, Raximus Savvage, Scott Brown, Shaun Orpen, Short trek Hero, Stoltz, Terry Williams, The Link King, TheBookThief, Thomas K Arata, Valinrook, Varshoon, Vertigo322, Zarmal, and ZłyWacław!

Honorary Raiders: Adam Coles, Alexander Hochbaum, austin fagan, Benjamin Grey, BOZE77, C1s, Christian, Chronosaur, David Pascall, Dupin, Ego2, Ethan Vonderweid, Felix Christoph, flamebeard, I C U UwU, ittahbaw, James Bullock, Loolaloo, Matt Harris, Misha, Oil of Hope, Optimal 2, Peter, Porphy’s Attorney, RobH, Roman Berger, Sam Russell, Served Cold, Shawn Smith, Steve Saksa, and Totte Ahlborg!

Raiders-in-Training: 666, Adam Lacko, AN, AnotherWalk, Chai Tea, Christepher McKenney, David Stuart, David Wellman, Dawen Liang, DentonEX, Duong Nguyen, Eben Kleinhans, Emma Long, Eric Spiejers, exciting-burp, Foetwain0, Frank Barone, Gilborath, Gristoufle, Henrik Reimer, hob0tron, Jonathan Chisholm, Kris Lighthawk, Luke, Manuel Lortie, Nebojsa, Oscar van Vliet, Patricia Murray, PeteNZ, Purge, Robert Turner, Stephanie Taylor, vucrulez, and Yvreth!


18 thoughts on “Mahokenshi – Deal Death, Shuffle Towards Victory! Adventure is in the Cards!”

  1. Interesting, I've never given a deck builder a shot before, I like the Japanese theme and the four characters on paper are different enough to offer some variety in play style. I'll watch more if you continue this.

    Since you've got your eye on the steam next fest stuff I'd recommend a look at Dark Envoy if it's not on your radar yet, looks promising.

  2. would definitely like to see some more videos. And with each mission being mostly self-contained, it looks to be one where you could easily sneak in a video or two between projects or to break up the long runners

  3. Wow, I saw Spalttercat play the demo for this ages ago. It's interesting to see a longer form play of the full release. Thanks for posting this. I'm bad at deck builders, but I don't mind watching.


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