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Walking around town with a loudspeaker in the UK is generally allowed, but there may be some restrictions and regulations that you need to be aware of depending on the specific circumstances and location.

The use of loudspeakers in public spaces is typically governed by local regulations and bylaws, which may vary from one area to another. These regulations are usually in place to maintain public order, prevent noise disturbances, and protect the rights and privacy of individuals. It’s important to check with the local authorities or your local council to understand any specific rules or permits required for using a loudspeaker in public spaces.

In some cases, there may be restrictions on the volume or duration of amplified sound in certain areas. Local authorities might require you to obtain permits or licenses for activities such as public performances, demonstrations, or events involving amplified sound. These permits usually outline the conditions and limitations for using a loudspeaker in public spaces.

Additionally, it’s essential to be mindful of noise pollution regulations and to respect the rights and comfort of others. Excessively loud or disruptive noise that causes a nuisance to others or interferes with the peace and quiet of residential areas could lead to complaints and potential legal consequences.

To ensure compliance with the law and regulations, it’s advisable to consult with the local authorities or seek legal advice specific to your situation and location. They will be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on any restrictions or permits required for using a loudspeaker in public spaces in your area.

“Photography is not a crime” “PINAC” is a phrase often used to advocate for the right to take photographs or record video in public spaces without fear of harassment, intimidation, or legal repercussions. The phrase suggests that photography is a form of free speech and expression that should be protected by law, and that the act of taking photographs should not be considered a criminal offence. The use of this phrase is often associated with instances where photographers, journalists, or citizens have been stopped or detained by law enforcement or security personnel for taking photographs in public places, even though they have not violated any laws or regulations.



  1. Now September 2023… BORIS fell on his dagger and resigned over that party and more than one .
    And it's Ben revealed the police (Scotland Yard )Covered it up .they knew the party was in progress.
    Because it involved the Prime minister and a senior Met officer was in attendance.
    Confirmation the police prosecute the public and protect the elite .

  2. I hate knobs who use loudspeakers to try and get their point accross. As with anything that needs and audience, you annoy your audience, you lose your audience.

  3. Have any audits covered the high ranking officer in North Hampshire that was wearing medals from the Falklands war that didn't belong to him.this is going to grow and I bet he retires on full pension. Great vid by the way x

  4. It's sad that people still believe getting the 'right' party will make a difference. You will never see who runs the country, the politicians are just the puppets they give the public to make them think they have a say.


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