LOST ARK SAVED? Amazon Reacts to Player Feedback

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✮ Leveling up fast and what to do at endgame https://youtu.be/rYemSJIs2Ss
✮ How to gear up https://youtu.be/C_PHKBhfLQo
✮ How to choose your class https://youtu.be/TYIjWCj7h34
✮ Advice for new players https://youtu.be/rVe6TRHSjbg
✮ 5 things I wish I knew before starting Lost Ark https://youtu.be/XJSbsE10XRY
✮ All classes gameplay with in-game sound and UI https://youtu.be/nfi0VWd3LDI

✮ Comunitatea Romaneasca Lost Ark https://discord.gg/cJMzDXHR7b

✮ How to play LOST ARK NA/EU https://youtu.be/CJLQUHwkKgk
✮ How to play LOST ARK Korea https://youtu.be/2ewjR80dTRc
✮ How to play LOST ARK Russia http://bit.ly/LostArkRU
✮ How to play LOST ARK Japan https://youtu.be/qaEeqK5kjiE

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#MMORPG #LostArk


40 thoughts on “LOST ARK SAVED? Amazon Reacts to Player Feedback”

  1. So, they'll give us a pain reliever instead of curing the source of pain for good?
    They did for other regions by eliminate the source of pain, the dead zone.
    I guess that's too good for the NA/EU cash cows.

  2. I'll probably start playing regularly again when they either allow me to build competitive DPS on my paladin, or release the dedicated DPS class that I enjoy–Scouter.

  3. They blame the bot and players who focus too much on horizontal progression, for costing the problem. Don’t get me wrong I do agree with that at some level but still think they did what they did, knowing players are not ready and basically had to whale if we want to get 1370 on the day the content comes out. It’s kinda mad they pulling the same shit they pulled in KR. I just can’t praise them for trying to correct their mistakes. Especially they had experienced the same thing in the past. They got called out and now they are sorry…

  4. You can't have a job and the most basic responsibilities and grind to 1370 in a week, there is just no way. With a few hours a day, you hardly make enough progress to catch-up. I'm not saying everybody should wait for the slow Pauls, but as Sywo mentions – it's all about pacing.
    Also, let's be clear – Amazon games only cares about the best way to monetize and bank on the playerbase. If any pro-player decision is made, it's all thanks to Smilegate.

  5. Thanks Sywo for covering this. You got me interested about the game and I am not regretting starting to play Lost Ark. A great fun game! Look forward for more awsome vids Sywo. You are doing it right, you are encouraging and being positive. Love that stuff!

  6. One difference between the west and Korea I've felt is that Horizontal Content is weighted more favorably to us in the west. We ENJOY the horizontal stuff and really enjoy the distractions as well as the endgame. Hoping we can get more of this.

  7. Has there been any word that they’ll extend the Grand Prix event since there’s been so much issue with time change? Forgive me if that’s covered in the video, I’m typing this while watching.

  8. Weird that Sywo says Lost Ark has a ''beautiful balance''. While balance is the HARDEST thing to get right in shuch a complex game, I don't think I ever seen a game with this many balance issues, and some are actually really obvious that could have been fixed 2 years ago. It reminds me of Stoopz saying this game respects your time, like we playing a different game lol.

  9. It really feels like kids, and grinders were really upset because they didn't IMEDIATELY didn't get to do the new content and now it might be too easy. I am very worried that they over did it.

  10. I keep noticing these youtubers skim over the bot problem, hmm. Is it because you they use bots, have close friends that do, or because most of the fanboys sending them free gold are using bots? All of the above I am betting…

  11. I'm excited about this. I just hit 1100, and was worried about the honing in T3, hopefully the increase in mats will help. I'll just keep going at my own pace though.

  12. Honestly I've been so confused on people claiming pay2win because to me people who are paying are basically paying to skip a bunch? I have 150 hours & am just now hitting Tier 2. I'm a player enjoying the collecting, story/events, & occasional pvp. Not everything has to be a race. Why play if you're just going to pay to not play.

  13. Amazon is still scamming with Ilv 1385 Moake, 1370 Hard orehas, 1415 Ghost ship, 1370 night fox. I dont really care about all these buffs. I just want more stuff to do from 1340 to 1370. This patch doesnt really adjust any of these..

  14. lets be real, this event has just enough materials for a couple of clicks (T3 mats) per week, that's almost nothing… I have over 8000 tokens just sitting there doing nothing because I have bought everything. They didn't even talk about increasing the honing chances LOL

  15. Sywo you got a new webcam! 😎👍 I enjoy Lost Ark it really is an Amazing game. But I don't appreciate Amazon Games Studios. Their policies are often time so beaurecratic and pointless. For example: there is a restriction on Power Passes… Originally it said on the forums it was 2 per 'Roster' but they changed it to '2 per Region'.

    Now, Please!, hear me out. I don't like the power passes. The rigamarole they put you through is tedious and makes no sense to me. But to have a policy like this makes no sense. It's just someone making an aribrary restriction, like they've never had power before so they're flexing to show how important they are now.

  16. I've seen too many times a positive post like this that the developers promise improvements (with no specifics given) and then when the time comes it's very minimal changes/improvements.

    The fact they didn't implement ways to get materials before putting in the Argos raid is a massive red flag, that they did it that way to gouge wales and 'cause fomo amongst players who were close to the ilevel and thus caused more people to pay up.

    They didn't need to gather data, because they already had years of data from KR audience, and specifically this dead zone that a lot of people are complaining about now in the west.

    They should either not have introduced Argos at all, or introduced him with all the other materials in KR/RU servers and along with their improved honing rates.

    Also to all those who say just slow down and play horizontal content. It's fine to do that for a while, but the horizontal stuff is mostly minigames or following a map guide for mokokos, which is okay to do for a bit, but if you can't also progress your main char. or the progress is extremely slow then it will turn a lot of people off. There's a reason it was called dead zone in Korea and many players got fed up and left over there in T3 before they added honing improvements.

  17. to late already uninstalled it, i got to T2 and realized past 802 the game wasn't fun anymore. Every T2 encounter was, Knock back, knock down, stun, stun, 1 mechanic mistake = instant death and party wipe. How do you learn the mechanics when 1 mistake = wipe. This is a shetbag hardcore P2W Korean game at its finest.

  18. Gear Honing feels like shit in this game. I read tons of claims that the devs respect your time. Sure feels that way when your honing fails time and time again. Yeah, some games have even worse systems. And guess what? Fuck those games.

  19. There's no 'player's pace' as the RNG stuff is completely ruining the progress. You put time,skill and effort to get materials and they are disappearing in thin air because of gumbling. Not to mention the mentality "oh you can do only 5 quests today", or even worse "you can do this quest in 3 hours because it's.. unavailable".


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