Lord of Rigel First Impressions Review!!!

A 4X game set in a sci-fi setting. Not much more to say then that. It’s about what you’d expect but just in case lets hope in and see if the game is worth our time and money or not.



6 thoughts on “Lord of Rigel First Impressions Review!!!”

  1. "Stellaris" is out there as well, and it is quite often on sale (like 5$ sale). Thank you for looking into "Lord of Rigel", guess it will not end up on my watchlist you can play mushrooms and rocks in "Stellaris", that is hard to beat.

  2. Looks promising to me. When MOO3 came out in 2003, and then again when Wargaming's "Master of Orion – Conquer the Stars" came out in 2016, a lot of people hoped for a remake of MOO2 (1996) with a modern interface and maybe a few improvements. Instead, these two games were too ambitious and failed. They changed too much in wrong directions and so broke the game. This is probably why there is such a huge choice of would-be MOO1-, MOO2- and mixed clones, with many new entries still emerging every year.

    Since MOO2 has a more modern user interface than MOO1 (very relative!) and more features, it is more popular. But most connoisseurs consider MOO1 to be superior. MOO1 was really innovative in many ways, whereas MOO2 moved far into the direction of the various (long forgotten) other space empire games that existed at the time. This is why some of the better clones today prefer MOO1 solutions over MOO2 solutions.

    The best MOO1 clone so far is Remnants of the Precursors, an open source project recently reviewed very favorably and in excessive detail on eXplorminate. Due to RotP, it no longer makes sense to attempt a strict MOO1 clone. But there is still space for a good strict MOO2 clone, especially if it has a good tutorial and a good user interface. Looks like Lord of Rigel has a chance to fill that niche.

    By the way, I can also recommend FreeOrion. That's another open source project, and of excellent quality. It's a much freer take on the general idea of a MOO-like game, with a focus on innovations. It's probably one of the most addictive MOO-likes that currently exist.


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