LIVE: Sheriff Grady Judd on Child Sex Sting, Plus Governor Ron DeSantis on Illegal Immigrants

DESANTIS SPEAKS AFTER IMMIGRANTS FLOWN TO MARTHA’S VINEYARD: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is speaking after flying two planes of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Full Story:


37 thoughts on “LIVE: Sheriff Grady Judd on Child Sex Sting, Plus Governor Ron DeSantis on Illegal Immigrants”

  1. Grady Judd has integrity. He's making a difference. I hope he comes across the Missing and Exploited Children's Crimes Against Children. It Needs taken down and Exposed. These migrants do not look like they've been going hungry, they've got good clothing and clean. Send them to Kamala Harris and Biden's homes.

  2. Sheriff Grady Judd is the GOAT !!!! Every LEO can look to him and his crew as mentors/role models on how to help fix this sick ass country !! The main problem being the lack of jail/prison time!! A 48 year old primary care physician was taken down at his house about 4 blocks from my house as well as being a nurse of decades I knew of him!! He had tens of thousands of images and videos of prepubescent porn (one being of a toddler in bondage ) now, ask yourself “self, wouldn’t you think this sick ass POS would be held to a higher standard”. Well no … he got a measly 5 years and protective custody in a federal prison, not even in gen pop!! So honestly, these pedos get a slap on the wrist, protected in prison and let out to reoffend on children over and over and over !!! These pedos are not rehabilitative, they never stop, ever !! They’re the most consistent reoffenders !!! They need to be punished according to their crimes every day for the rest of their lives !!!! But they’re protected more then the children !! It’s unacceptable and just mind blowing !!!

  3. Thus guy talking about inhumane treatment or behavior is mind blowing under the circumstances at the border !!!! This Presidential office has lied to them to come on in and get it all here in the USA !! This entire immigrant situation has been out of control and these immigrants have been used politically from the left from day one … come on, don’t be the pot calling the kettle black !!! No one appreciates hypocrisy!

  4. Come on people you give Grady too much of the credit the officers that work these cases they are the ones that are relentless in getting these criminals off the street they deserve all the credit for such a good job well done

  5. Unbelievable, Disney?! Too. Good work Grady Judd. 16 years employed. Married and Children. Really sick. Thank you Sheriff for your good work for innocent Children. Internet a problem. 7 Human Trafficking . !!! 🤔🙏🌅🇺🇸🇩🇰🎬,

  6. I'm trying to understand, but if I came into this country I would love to be sent to Martha's vineyard. Also, if they are an asylum state shouldn't they already have something set up for migrants. I care for all people. I'm not hearing how Martha's vineyard is a bad place to be? How is it inhumane? How is flying in a plane being shipped like cattle. Has anyone actually spoken to the migrants ? Were they left hungry by DeSantis, were they treated badly. Why why can't Martha's vineyard help?? I don't want to argue, I want answers and I am registered as a democrat?

  7. Does everyone realize that Biden has already been bussing and flying illegals all over the USA. What is a real shame is that so many illegals under Biden policies have died on their journey to come here. The hypocracy I see is that the sanctuary cities these people are being sent to now don't like it all of a sudden. Why? Isn't this what a sanctuary city is for? I don't see the difference here. This is nothing that Biden hasn't done. Since VP Harris refuses to acknowledge or go to see the problems at the border, Desantis is taking the border to Harris! It's brilliant!!!!!!!

  8. A perfect example of a government a country unable to work together and everything just becomes dysfunctional…But in the beginning our president was flying illegal immigrants all over the place without notice in the middle of the night I don’t remember anybody complaining about that.. Because nobody knew it was happening and to the former governor how dare you Quote Jesus did you not forget that Jesus was removed from our lives as well as our school System..You know separation of church and state… by the way former governor did you call the mayor of New York City being that he’s a Democrat and tell him as a Democrat that it was wrong for him the mayor of New York City to turn away illegal immigrants because they don’t have any money in a sanctuary city…At least your governor put up $12.5 million to try to help in someway you know transporting them around the country just like your president did in the middle of the night… am I missing something here or are you people really as crazy as everybody is starting to believe you all are…And The Con Job Continues…👏👏👏

  9. 56:43 oh no, you wouldn't ship these people at your lovey dovey Martha's vineyard but you'll put'um in places the American people won't want'um either. And quite using the bibull as if you give two shits about people.

  10. Some good advice stop immigration. Look at all the homeless in America yet you’re letting more more more and more and more and more and more and more people come into that country you should be ashamed yourself all of you government All governments are the same just stop immigration. All around the world you know all these people coming into everybody’s countries and taking it over is bad news for everyone that actually lives in that country and has been born in that country stop immigration

  11. This is somewhat decieving as far as these sickos being the "typical" looking pedophile !! There are just as many such as – Dr's, preachers, friendly successful neighbor next door. Day care owner, policeman, coach, teacher, your child's best friends parent, etc. the evil sickness is rapid and wide spread. Parents need to wake up and pay attention!

  12. If it’s illegal to send migrants from Florida to a SANCTUARY state/city then it was illegal for them to be bussed or flown to Florida in the first place. The most humane thing is to go to a declared sanctuary territory.


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