Live 40k – New Chaos Space Marines vs Custodes. Tycho Wants Revenge!

Tycho would love revenge after his last bought with Custodes on a live stream. Will the new book be his ticket?


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26 thoughts on “Live 40k – New Chaos Space Marines vs Custodes. Tycho Wants Revenge!”

  1. Hey! I literally have never played 40K or any wargame but I am getting absolutely into the setting all from you guys!!!!! Nick in particular and his Imperial Guard! Already has me reading Gaunt's Ghosts! I have already decided they will be my first army and I owe my most recent hyper fixation on you all!!! Keep up the great work!

  2. i one's got blood revenge on a fellow hobby gamer in a Death Guard narrative game 2x in a row when i put Plague Demon's x20 , 1 Demon prince with demonic sword, 3 Nurgle beasts, 3 Groups of Nurgle demons & Typhus with 20 Bight Terminator's, in reserve the Great Unclean One, Plague Dones x 3 to deploy behind enemy lines on 3rd turn to say it was quite a gooey mess & when we played again a few wks later i changed my list keeping my hobby game player guessing so it's going 🤔 to be interesting to see if Tacko gets his revenge + the Dice God's blow with favour, wicked 😈


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