Linux Games – Let's Play #linux #linuxgaming

After this I’m hosting a community brainstorming townhall for our #opensource festival, come join our Discord of 6,500 members and counting!:


22 thoughts on “Linux Games – Let's Play #linux #linuxgaming”

  1. Youtube actually warns me about your new videos. 😀 Apparently I had the bell thing on with your channel (I have too many channels now, these days I don't activate it with most channels).
    I know it is not enough for statistics, but there's the data.

  2. O.O OMG NIXIE's favorite game is Grim Fandango!!

    Holy crap, like damn, talk about my soul crying tears of joy. Damn the nostalgia and my heart aches for such love for my favorite game of all time.
    Soul mates? 😛

  3. I really, really, REALLY hate the notification bell thing. I don't want an alert every time someone uploads something. I don't want my phone being constantly lit up like Blackpool Pier. I subscribe to people because when I sit down to watch YouTube I want to see then who has uploaded stuff. The fact that they deliberately broke the subscription feature unless I choose to be inundated with alerts constantly actually enrages me, and I really wish there were a functional alternative to YouTube because I am fed up with their constant bullshit ruining the experience for both creators and viewers.

    On the plus side I stopped using Windows in September and have had mostly good experiences with playing and streaming from Linux. I've played Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Cities: Skylines, Ladykiller in a Bind, and now Devil May Cry 4 all on Linux; the only game I had trouble with was the Devil May Cry HD collection which uses a proprietary codec that means cutscenes won't play. Apart from Devil May Cry 1-3 I am honestly pleasantly surprised at how smooth the transition from Windows to Linux on a primarily gaming machine has been. The only game on that list that actually had a (working) linux version was Cities: Skylines, the rest were all using Proton.

  4. Make more tutorials! Having a really had time going from being an intermediate user who follow almost any tutorial or guide and futz my way thru things, to being a power user and being able to diagnose my own issues. You were great at explaining things without dumbing them down to the point where i didn't learn anything new. Feels like there is a ton of content for new Linux users, the advanced guys have their own little clubs and mailing list, which leaves the intermediate users hanging out not knowing how to progress.


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