God is Putting My Broken Pieces back Together (Childhood Trauma/A Testimony in Progress).

I could never praise the Lord enough for what He has done and is doing for me. Growing up, I worked hard not to get into trouble. I HATED getting yelled at or looked down upon. Unknowingly to me, this shaped my behavior to please others and to care about what others think about me in order to avoid being criticized, talked about, and unrighteously judged. The Lord has chosen the perfect time to destroy this issue from the very root.

Let me just say that I don’t have ill feelings towards my in-laws or my family. God love’s them, and so do I. He has plans for their lives, and I pray that each and every one of them will fulfill His purpose that He has predestined for them.

I also want to say that with my husband (who is an awesome husband), I had not mentioned the uncomfortableness with his family in a few years (we live in different states). I thought that if I pretended that there was no longer a problem, that the problem would go away (epic fail). We were able to resolve this without marriage counseling. I openly vented and expressed my hurt (which exposed the root of why I became so upset). My husband listened, talked with me, and was a great support. The lack of communication was a device that the enemy had been using in my marriage. When I was a child, I once reported verbal abuse by people I was sent to live with. Something was said, but I was left in that home, so the recourse was traumatic and I never trusted an adult after that. The situation with my in-laws was a reminder of that and when it spilled over, the pain was manifesting from the childhood trauma as well. My thoughts about my in-laws now aren’t painful or resentful. When I think about them, I think about what great thing’s they can do for the kingdom of God and how much He loves them. I look at all people like this now, and I love it.


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