Life Found on Mars by James Webb Space Telescope | Mars Discoveries by NASA | Elon Musk Mars Plan

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Life Found on Mars by James Webb Space Telescope | Mars Discoveries by NASA | Elon Musk Mars Plan

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19 thoughts on “Life Found on Mars by James Webb Space Telescope | Mars Discoveries by NASA | Elon Musk Mars Plan”

  1. So James Webb find life but NASA didn't, and Elon Musk is trying to build life on Mars and James Webb find it already which isn't there so no idea, what are you or NASA or SpaceX and Elon Musk is doing….

  2. Just saw Mars Rover in Big Bang Theory, that poor kid move like a snail, I think snail moves faster, and they think they can find anything on mars by that 6 tires Snail. What a waste of money.

  3. It's crazy, the jwst has been in use for how long now and they just decided to use it to look at Mars. Wouldn't it had made more sense to look at Mars before looking 13 billion years in the past? Just saying 😂

  4. There were a few remaining colonies on Mars that died out 1.5-2 million years ago. Europa and two of Saturns moons were inhabited. Life that was on Atlantis died off, except for three groups of people that went underground, left for vacation, and 6 that were astronauts that were heading to a planet in Alpha Centauri when the cataclysm/ flood destroyed most of Atlantis.


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