Let's Play Come Rain Come Shine – Session One

Come Rain Come Shine is a GM-less, collaborative story-telling RPG, inspired by the Solarpunk movement. Follow Nadine, Warren, Ymia and myself, as we collectively build our animal-folk community, talk about our characters, and take on an important diplomatic task full of complications!
Available now at https://penflower-ink.itch.io/come-rain-come-shine
Music by Rob Chapman
Penflower Ink Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/penflower_ink
Website / Store: https://www.penflower-ink.com/
Itch-io Page: https://penflower-ink.itch.io/
Solarpunk Links:
A playlist of videos by Andrewism on the subject of Solarpunk:

A Solarpunk Manifesto:


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