Let's Bead and Design Together – Creation Station

Would you like to learn how to design your own jewellery? Would you like to know what process I go through when I make up my patterns? In these Creation Station live sessions, we design and bead together.

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These lives are my most favourite way to spend every Wednesday Night, just to sit and create with you. You can join in by sending me a picture of your make through messenger or by email and I can show it to everyone in the LIVE.

Check out our website for all your supplies: https://www.totallybeads.co.uk

️ We might end up making a necklace, bracelet, earrings or pendant. It really depends on your suggestions during the live. It is so nice to experiment with all different types, size, colour and shape of beads.

Please put a Q in front of your Question and a T in front of your Tip so I can be sure to read it out. Let me know if there is a particular technique you are struggling with or just would like to see.

Join in for more beady fun in our BeadClub We do weekly zoom classes with all sorts of techniques and materials.
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3 thoughts on “Let's Bead and Design Together – Creation Station”

  1. Love the idea of the 12 months till Christmas baubles! Wish I had a suitable Christmas tree ha ha only have room for a small one and the baubles I have to use are 25mm wide lol! The rest of the decorations on it I made from beads and charms! I have a snowflake strand to make with white snowflake beads, I add a loop in every 10 snowflakes. I made one for my mum , she has half a tree on the wall it’s tiny so nothing bought fitted, she saw my snowflakes and she came up with the string, with stardust 3mm beads and a different colour glass bead and a stardust between each snowflake, effect is fab! ❤


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