Kyiv says 9 Russian planes destroyed in blast on the Crimean Peninsula | DW News

The Ukrainian air force says that nine Russian warplanes were destroyed in massive explosions at an air base on the Crimean Peninsula, without officially claiming responsibility for the attack.

Powerful explosions rocked the Saki air base on the Black Sea on Tuesday, and sent a tower of smoke clouds over the landscape.

Russia has denied any aircraft were damaged or that any attack took place, claiming munitions at the base caught fire and exploded.

While Ukrainian officials have stopped short of publicly claiming responsibility for the explosions, they have ridiculed Russia’s explanation.


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25 thoughts on “Kyiv says 9 Russian planes destroyed in blast on the Crimean Peninsula | DW News”

  1. If DW doesn't want to be accused for spreading false misleading news, DW should ask Russian sources instead of Ukrainian sources.

    The blast was at Russian territory, the losses were Russian assets; what makes it relevant by asking the Ukrainian?
    Ukrainian themself cannot proof it was their actions and didn't present any evidence of the lossess.

  2. lol if ukraine don't take responsibility then russia now has the green light to smash nato countries into the ground, real smart ukraine, pass the blame onto other people

  3. Please Pray the Rosary & Devine Mercy Chaplet to free all countries from war, hunger, calamities, corruption, abortion, divorce, drugs, pornography, homosexuality, slavery, communism and all evils.pls. pray for peace and joy on all families and homes… HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE THE LORD IS WITH YOU. BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB JESUS. HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD PRAY FOR US SINNERS NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH. AMEN. …

  4. Reasons why the West is responsible for the war in Ukraine:
    1. the West helped in the coup of the legitimately elected president on the Maidan with at least 5 billion US dollars and with payment of Georgian snipers
    2. The West covers up the murders of the Asov fascists in Donbass 14000 dead 75% Russian-speaking people in Donbass according to OSCE.
    The West and NATO
    has moved further and further to the Russian border, contrary to their promises
    The list is not exhaustive


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