Kristi Noem Cancels Book Tour, Shoots Own Foot, Digs Own Grave

S.D. Governor Kristi Noem’s book tour has epically imploded, just days after her book’s release. Noem’s dishonesty with her interviewers across the board — dodging basic questions and dissembling for all to see — drew more media fire and increased the public outrage begun when she exposed the brutal killings of her own puppy and other animals in her memoir, appropriately titled “No Going Back.”

As you’ll see in this roundup — a follow-up to our video last week about her animal cruelty — universal indignation and mockery have continued to plague Noem because she simply can’t give a straight answer. Her clumsy scrambling to retract blatant lies about meeting foreign leaders and inflating her experience on the world stage impressed nobody. Her publicists eventually pulled the plug, cancelling key interviews with Fox News and CNN … and blaming the weather. Well, we all know why she couldn’t claim that her dog ate her plane tickets!

Take action and give Kristi Noem a piece of your mind! Let her know she must apologize for smearing tribes and families, slaughtering pets, lying to journalists, and posing like a world leader … and you’ll never buy her book!

You can also call Noem out directly for buddying up to Trump and endangering Native tribes right here:

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31 thoughts on “Kristi Noem Cancels Book Tour, Shoots Own Foot, Digs Own Grave”

  1. "I'm not going to talk about my relationship with Brad Pitt. I'm not going to talk about living with Ryan Gosling and Reynolds. I just won't." I like it! I'm going to totally use it from now on. How about,
    " I'm not going to talk about my PhD in physics?"

  2. LIAR !!!!!! thirty years ago she dropped out of college, was working on the farm and lodge, and 1994 gave birth to her daughter, her first successful political involvement was in 2006 when she won the seat. Whenever she opens her mouth you can expect some bullshit, I think that all these trumpist just emulate him to the core.

  3. I like how she calls a murder hole to hide the animal corpses is a "sand pit". From the midwest and swam in a lot of sand/gravel pit ponds, no serial killer was dumping murdered animals in them.


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