tornado cash is dead

It’s over.

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46 thoughts on “tornado cash is dead”

  1. I love that everything related to crypto fails miserably or there is a scandal behind it, and the dumbasses continue to try and say it's the future. This is just infinite fun and entertainment, and it's even more entertaining when it's my boy Kira and his chest announcing.

  2. And nothing of value was lost. Too many of these rug pull stories have ended with this: "And then the bad actor tumbled their stolen coins through Tornado Cash to cover their tracks."

  3. I don't actually see what would make the biometric data they're collecting actually valuable to anybody (except speculators) anyway. Biometric data is primarily useful for identification, and only by the person who physically possesses the body part. Scanning tons and tons of random eyeballs will produce a lot of data, but what is that data actually even good for? Especially if it's biometric data of people who it sounds like may likely have minimal or no interaction with advanced technology in their lifetimes anyway…

    This is basically just a new version of an NFT. Instead of a URL that points to a picture of a cartoon monkey, you're buying a biometric scan that "points" to some random Cambodian person's eyeball, and is about equally useful to anybody.

  4. Man, if only there was some kind of coin that was fundamentally anonymous and untraceable. You wouldn't need something like tornadocash, right? IF ONLY THAT EXISTED.

  5. what seriously fucks me off is that #cryptocurrency is just pointless. how long will it take for people to realise that it's only a platform for scamsters, there's no reason for it except being another shadow layer on top of actual resources.

    The pointlessness of it is so fucking annoying because people have lost their minds, their savings, and sometimes their life, for a whole lot of fuck all. Each of these dickheads continually coming up with new fucking terms for nothing, like deFi, roadmaps to nowhereville, and the VCs who know only to invest in the pre-"drop" shit should all be locked up, for murder.

    Why do you think satoshi nakamoto wants to be anonymous? Because he knew the shitshow it would create

  6. I wonder if Kira realizes Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT. He's also part of big tech, worth hundreds of billions, and collecting huge loads of data from just ChatGPT itself, and likely Bing too.

  7. So the world ended up with the economic setup we have now after millennia of challenges and trials run at a planetary level. Now they are basically reinventing the wheel, putting in place the same brain-dead features that we had in the beginning and then they are surprised that things go to the shiter. At this rate, we will have a crypto coin that is also in physical format, a silver coin. Ah wait, then it will mean it has any actual value so not possible.

  8. As much as I feel sympathy for these victims, I have a hard time doing so because crypto has demonstrated, repeatedly, that it is all a scam. Anyone who invests their life savings into anything crypto related at this point is a fool on the same level as anyone investing in Nigerian princes.

  9. crypto is a scam, if we look at how its used now. Its funny money, monopoly money that is worthless but the myth and the "promises" is good enough to make people to invest in the black hole that is crypto money.

  10. Does the FBI or Interpol have a known crypto wallet? Would be funny if the person who hacked TornadoCash transferred all their governance tokens to them. πŸ˜‚

  11. i don’t mean for this to sound offensive but i have a legitimate question: why are the chinese SO into crypto? like yes americans and people from other countries are but it seems like a whole other level in china

  12. tc used trusted setup which requires trust the ppl they chose won't steal everything and it advertised itself as trustless. (it even did that back when they had master keys). and they built it on centralized scam called eth where central party changes rules whenever and has control over majority of what controls their network with even confiscating from specific user done in past. kek


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