Klagmar's Top VGM #4,176 – The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog – Final Interrogation

Systems: Windows, Mac
Game: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Music Title: Final Interrogation
Composers: Troupe Gammage & Joel Corelitz

A list of my favorite video game music. It’s not in any order, and is intended purely for entertainment. Perhaps it will also introduce a few obscure titles or unknown songs. Enjoy!


4 thoughts on “Klagmar's Top VGM #4,176 – The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog – Final Interrogation”

  1. The newest release that everyone has been talking about for the last week…is a free April Fools joke released by Sega? The only thing wilder than the existence of this game is the fact that it’s actually quite good. Sonic characters fit surprisingly well in the visual novel format and I enjoyed its Ace Attorney style setup, though it’s far simpler. The writing is also a bit too saccharine, but on the whole it was a great few hours’ worth of fun. The soundtrack is also quite good – the Ace Attorney inspiration is especially noticeable in this track.

  2. Wait, Sega had an april's fool game that you could play for free and it was actually fun?!

    I have to admit, even though they fuck up their releases every few year and release an atrocious game, they just have the heart of a really good company ^^ I think we can take a few bad games for wholesome stuff like this.

  3. I love me some Ace Attorney and I love me some Sonic. So this game was a match made in heaven for me. ^^
    It may be a bit lacking in presentation, but for a free title, it's hardly a complaint. I really enjoyed this game for what it was.


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