Kickstarter Monster Taming Games: Are They Keeping Their Promises?

I want to reiterate that this video is made with no intentions to go after anyone, but rather to simply state my honest opinions on the current state of various kickstarter monster taming games. If anyone takes any criticism levied towards them personally, then that should say a lot more about the state of their game, (or lack thereof) rather than anything I’ve said in this video.

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29 thoughts on “Kickstarter Monster Taming Games: Are They Keeping Their Promises?”

  1. I hope that you have been taking your time and resting too! I hope you get well soon!

    As I have seen a bunch of videos on Kickstarter, going silent and it seeming dead is a huge red flag for me. Like you said, these people may not be scammers but it looks so bad. Not just that, but I have seen worrying trends of either the game being completely different than promised or it never coming out at all.

    As for the NFT question… Yeah I'm with you on this one. NFTs are just so divisive with so many people being against them. Is it really worth having your game being associated with them? Especially when bigger companies tried to use them too and got the same backlash? So yeah, sorry developer but I don't think it's a good idea.

  2. I think it’s an unfortunate reality of game development. Even large developers like Naughty Dog or Nintendo will have projects that never see the light of day. Kickstarter game developers should be communicative though atleast in informing backers that they’re still working on the project or if something is wrong.

    Also Ed I don’t think Kindred Fates has had its focus on the PvP in a long time. Basically all the newsletters in recent memory have stated they’re working on single player or story stuff. With like the last update the combat arena has received being months ago.

  3. In my case i don't have the money to back Kickstarters as i'd rather save for the game on release (or in some cases, wait for a Sale). As a user who doesn't use PC, Mostly play on Xbox or Switch but Primarily Xbox.

    I plan to get Palworld, Ova Magica and Abominations for Xbox, Microsoft Rewards will help a lot there or if any gets added to Game Pass (Like Cassette Beasts, i can use my GP Membership to play). Lumentale in 2024 and Elements in 2025. Some games i wasn't planning on getting, i picked up on a sale such as Monster Crown.

  4. The PVP point is pretty legit. Maintaining a multiplayer playerbase often requires you to be pretty consistently releasing new things for players to mess around with which in turn leads most multiplayer games to either be live service games or release a new game every year or so, so that the developers can continue to be paid.
    There's been a lot of backlash against live service games the last year or so too, especially towards there monetisation models (which was previously how indie games would get themselves into the multiplayer market) and it's not like an indie studio can really push out a completely new sequel every year or so. The games would likely be better off not even attempting to navigate that minefield.

  5. Do you think more monster tamer will come to xbox console? I've been buying every single one that comes out to show support even if they didn't turn out well (monster crown) 😅

  6. What I always question when thinking about a new PC, do you really need it to get that expensive if you only want to play the games better?
    I mean is it all about the overall performance or are there other options put into the more expensive PC's that explain the price?
    Honstly I just don't want to pay another 4-6.000 or something unless I really can't play the games.
    It's more or a to loud situation for me currently

  7. I only backed kindred fates, but i decided that im just done with backing games on kickstarter in general. Its too much of a doube edge sword and i rather just wait for the game to eventuel come out and buy it there, then putting my money upfront with no idea if something comes out of it.

  8. Really disappointed by the state of Final Stardust, I was this close to backing it. Had some great potential, but it seems like the dev stretched himself too thin. I don't understand the logic of branching out into all these different things if he doesn't even have the money to make the first thing a reality. I totally get wanting to make "a brand" but to make one you need a product to sell in the first place. NFTs were a bad move too. I don't know a ton about NFTs and everyone I've asked about them has just say "they're bad for the environment" without explaining why, but either way its a bad look to add something to your game that is as controversial and polarizing as NFTs, especially since the original product had nothing to do with that.

    I totally get that game dev is hard, but that's why I think adding so many other aspects ON TOP of game dev just puts Final Stardust in an icky spot. Hopefully we start to see more Yugioh inspired mon tamers, because Final Stardust won't scratch that itch for me anymore.

  9. I've always been scared to back anything on those websites, but I always hope they get funded and they deliver. I just hope the genre doesn't implode on itself.

  10. I don't know how a dev could be paying attention to the general public and thinking NFTs are a good call right now. Even if you like NFTs, you have to be aware that most people hate them and including them in your product is just gonna stop a lot of potential customers from buying/backing it.

  11. Great video Ed 😄 I fully agree with you regarding the PvP stuff the way I see indie and PvP can’t go together just because of how expensive maintaining the servers for it is going to be vs the low number of players who will play it

  12. Also I think you’ll need a scripted 40 minutes video at the bare minimum to cover what’s happening with final stardust 😂 it’s a real mess I didn’t back the game and I’m really disappointed with its situation

  13. (Finally made it through the whole video 😂 been having to pause/play at work) the pvp point really makes me look at things objectively on a broad spectrum even taking the kickstarter games out of the equation. My personal most hyped/awaited game that you’ve covered is PALWORLD, and that feels PERFECT for PVP but like!? Is adding/focusing to heavily on trying to add pvp going to take away from aspects of the game that matter more, like the actual fluidity of the engine for instance?

  14. Yep pushing PVP is annoying. I enjoy Temtem but one thing they could pushing is ranked matches. To get rewards and stuff, you have to play ranked and yes it is optional but man it's annoying.

    Anyway Kickstarter is so finnicky. I get game development is time consuming but there have been so many stories of failed projects. I can't donate money to something that can potentially not deliver. Already have that risk with the postal service and Amazon.

  15. Oh wow. I didn't know the Final Stardust trailer was fake. I thought it was a good vertical slice.

    When it comes to NFT's and cryoto, all their games are trash and usually scams. It's about turning games into a job.

    As someone who doesn't do pvp, I don't care about pvp in games. I would also think it makes development and balancing harder.

  16. I’ve backed a few games on KS and I have to say overall I’m a little disappointed. One game, Sun Haven, ended up mostly being focused for pc release and all the people who backed the Switch version got screwed over. Another game, Salty Hounds, has been constantly delayed. I was reluctant but decided to back LumenTale because it looks so good so I hope they don’t have many issues with it. When it comes to video games you always get a mixed bag. It’s frustrating. Oh I forgot I also backed Deiland and that was the only game that came out around the time they said with minimal issues.

  17. Wait, NFT games run out of money? You mean a game that takes real money to make things that "give" you fake money things, runs out of real money? Wierd. It's almost as if just making a real game you can sell would make more real money than trying to sell the fake money (NFT) stuff…

  18. The games I've backed are: Ova Magica, Pry into the Void, Kitori Academy, Grimmlins Tale, The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier, and LumenTale. I haven't been let down by any of these except Soil Frontier. Kickstarter doesn't show an update since last September. But I knew that game was a long shot so I only gave $10.


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