Her dad died during 9/11. Here's why she's 'astounded' by Trump

Families of 9/11 victims are urging former President Donald Trump to cancel a Saudi golf tournament that is to be held at his New Jersey golf course. Juliette Scauso, whose father died in the terrorist attack, says she is “disgusted” that the event will be in the backyard of Ground Zero. #CNN #News


28 thoughts on “Her dad died during 9/11. Here's why she's 'astounded' by Trump”

  1. LMAO, CNN putting racism on TV and backing it. This couldn't get any better. Blame the whole country for the actions of a few extremists. No different then blaming all blacks for the violence of a few. Thank you CNN, this is gold. All because Trump was involved.
    You Libtards are so fixated on Trump that you supported a racist and prejudice group.
    How about having the Mother or Father of a child on who was brutally murdered due to lack of action by Libtard DA's? How about having a born child on who's Mother or Father was brutally murdered or raped by an illegal immigrant? How about having someone on who's property was destroyed during these peaceful protest you keep claiming? How about actually reporting real American News and stop the fixation on politics?
    CNN sucks, actually all News Networks suck.

  2. Lol really! Hey why don’t you ask Obama who he sold his record number of weapons to when in office, that’s will be KSA. I lived in the ME for 16 years the US have always been doing business with Saudi. Democrat desperation time

  3. This is the 'stable genius' some very clueless people want back in the white house. Does he have dementia? After the 9/11 attacks trump said he was sure Saudis had a hand in it. Now, thanks to Saudi cash coming in for him, he's not sure. He did have the most transparent administration in history. He did all his crimes and malfeasance in broad daylight.

  4. She’s so upset w/President Trump .. pretty sure shes on TWITTER .. uses her AT&T phone to order DISNEY products from AMAZON while taking an UBER to STARBUCKS .. (to name just a few).. All of which have business dealings with Saudi Arabia!!!!!! Yet no mention of that! I’m sorry for your loss but if you’re going to point a finger make sure you use all 10 not just just one.

  5. Folks you what's disgrace and disturbing about this shit: that Trump clams he was at Ground Zero when both towers came down 21 years ago. But he lied when he was there. Just disgraceful for the Saudi's blood money that Trump's hands is on it.

  6. Poor ivana trump. My dogs burial stone says " To my loving loyal pet who will be missed " . Ivana death was used for tax avoidance. And her stone is just her birth & death dates. Not so much love at all.

  7. What the hell? LMAO!!! The Left is reaching aren't they? 9/11??? HAHAHAHAHA. Not for sure how hundreds of ppl jumping to their deaths on live tv while thousands of others get crushed to death relate to Trump. Edit. Oh, they're crying over the golf tournament. Ya, the President, Joe Biden, just went to Saudi Arabia on his knees begging them for more oil instead of cranking up oil production here at home. Even fist bumped the guy. But ya, Trumpy Trump. LOL.

  8. Well, his current state of mind is "Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9/11"… Sooo… don't vote GOP. They didn't come out in droves to call it out as a dumb comment? Nah, they're fine with it. GOP currently is in line with that statement.
    To be fair though.. Donny is gonna need every cent of his millions (not with a b..) to attempt fighting back in his crushing court cases coming up.. So get some pleasure from that. Just look at his current face. He knows he's in major trouble. He aged 50 years in barely 2..

  9. I am sympathetic to the families who lost their love ones to September 11 but this simplistic because USA government does business with Saudi Arabia also many American companies invest Saudi Arabia thousands of Americans work in Saudi Arabia so this is just trump bashing I am some one who despises trump.

  10. I feel for your loss….BUT….ALL Saudi's are not bad people. I have alot of friends that are both from Saudi and a few that still live there….I don't blame them for the attacks.

    Just like I have friends that live in Russia and Ukraine…..I don't blame either of them for the war…

    You can't go around blaming a whole country because of something that happens.

    Just like with ALL the cop killers and school shootings that happen here in the U.S. ….I'm not going to blame every citizen for what happen….and that's not going to stop me from attending events held here.


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