Keela Ari'Zona | Mass Effect 3 (58)

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Intro by Remerai
Edited by Minh

#MassEffect #MassEffect3 #masseffectlegendaryedition


39 thoughts on “Keela Ari'Zona | Mass Effect 3 (58)”

  1. Just a small detail that I appreciate in that Rannoch mission. Dorn'Hazt mentions his son, Jona. This is the same Jona whose mother died in the Migrant Fleet incident when geth took over Rael'Zorah's research ship. Sadly, that kid is now an orphan, because both of his parents died trying to get their homeworld back.

  2. Landing in one area on a planet and declaring the world to all be that climate is a level of ecological awareness I'd only previously seen from Climate Deniers in California who've been photographing snowy mountains immediately after a snowstorm and attaching "global warming isn't real" narratives to them. In other words, par for the course here.

  3. The Matrix depiction of AI was weird. The Geth don’t mind traveling via “copy paste” because as long as the data is preserved nothing of value was lost.

    EDI is explicitly hardware locked and needs hardware to move locations.

    The Matrix AI were basically software demons. Somehow souls that remind themselves regardless of the hardware they were running on.

    I imagine the architecture of a synthetic race of EDI style AIs would look very standardized and samey. The would pick a basic hardware platform shape and stick to it.

  4. 6:05 Woolie, why are you continuing to pander to that dumb myth, when it is obviously false once you think about the fact that Loch Ness is freshwater. The Loch Ness having any Whale's at all would probably be a bigger story than whatever was actually in that photo.

  5. 38:12 "Hmm. Tali, you've been our ship's chief engineer across two ships, you specialize in Geth tech and you hail from a race renowned for its engineers. However James, here, occasionally takes his weapon apart and puts it back together. I think you better stand back and let the pro handle this one."

    47:25 If I'm on the battlefield and I hear that noise, I'm out of the war.

  6. For the butt monkeys in chat yelling about doing the Leviathan DLC, give me a break. If they were so worried about them doing g the DLC in "proper order" then should should've yelled at them to do the Omega DLC a long while ago. They're just being back seaters, let poor Reggie play as he wants. Whether it's proficient or not.


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