Katie Couric | Club Random with Bill Maher

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Bill and Katie Couric on Billโ€™s Today Show appearance and what Katie said about Bill on a hot mic, whatโ€™s in that dropper Bill puts in his soda water, Billโ€™s gift to his longtime employees, Katieโ€™s review of Billโ€™s new book, why the loudest, meanest voices are the ones that get heard, the astrological sign of Jesus, doing Club Random vs. Real Time, the genius of Andy Warholโ€™s fame prediction, the complete lack of trust in the media, Mr. Beast trying to cure peoplesโ€™ ills, and much, much more.

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46 thoughts on “Katie Couric | Club Random with Bill Maher”

  1. Funny to see you try to sell something. About as funny as your movie! Love ya Bill. You never disappoint. I do NOT always agree with you but I love the challenge when we disagree. It's difficult for me to admit how long YOU have been a part of my "fact check" mechanism. We be old my friend.

  2. For the record, I havenโ€™t voted for Trumpโ€ฆ.yet. Or Biden (that will never happen). But to think regular people are jealous because they donโ€™t want corrupt, elitist politicians and untrustworthy, arrogant so-called journalists?!!

  3. KC belief Trump supporters, or conservatives value system revolves around jealousy of someone else. People who donโ€™t think as she does obviously have character flaws. Kind of narcissistic donโ€™t ya think?

  4. Okay, now this sit down was more of what I am used too. After watching Billy Dee Williams and then the Impersonator Influencer I couldn't find any topic to grapse. But this was a dive into what just happened to America from two people at the top of their game.

    1. Blacks leaving the Democratic Party for Republicans not something we need six months out from an election.

    Here's the thing Trump was in the admin Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker under her Majority passed the stimulus package and Trump said to put his face on the checks. The backlash from this four years later Blacks think those check was from Trump not the Democratic Party House. So you have Blacks not working for two half years and getting free money like most everyone else including the Urber rich.

    What Biden should do is which he can't because the Democratic Party is not the Majority in the House, is to give Blacks the Reparation checks and to off set the in balance of wealth, then give White's and other Minorities stimulus checks for Food/Rent/Gas prices to drive the unbalanced out their personal inflation in their daily budgets.

    The rich like the Biden wants to do is increase Billionaires taxes to off set and to give an assist to the very people they're gauging at the pumps, in the grocery stores, in real estate.

    This would calm down the disparities. As for the race issues that's another issues altogether. The above would assist the me against you's the haves and the have nots.

  5. Bill Maher is a TDS sufferer. This comment section gives me a reason to hope for humanity. We have to stop putting these people on a pedestal just because they're on TV ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  6. To put it in layman's term what Katie was basically saying about Trump is he wasn't willing to play ball with the elitist that had been there for years it already were screwing the American people for decades ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ

  7. I'm trying to understand the massive number of comments that are hostile or wound up emotionally. I'm guessing it is from the porn lobby/business and incel customers upset with the earliest part of the interview.

    The rest of it was the two of them going down memory lane and if you're young, irrelevant to you. The other hostile group was MAGA I guess but why? Bill has always been openly anti-Trump, and also finds fault with the farthest range of the far left. Couric is an ex-TV network morning person and who thought those types were deep. So that means you hate her? Get a life.

  8. Katie Couric: A pioneer for all things ignorant, biased, and uninformed on boring, vanilla network talk shows today. What a waste of sponsor money. She's a Woke-A-Holic now and brags about her intolerance and ignorance to others, like Bill Mohr, another over-rated has been just like Couric. Screw them both.

  9. I consider myself an upper middle class guy economically. My disgust & dissatisfaction is with the Marxist Progressive Democrat Left, NOT with the wealthy. What drives me as a citizen to the MAGA Republican team is children having their genitals mutilated, calling a biological male a female & having him compete in women's sports, breaking people up by race & lying about our history when we should be a multi racial Republic, support for illegal aliens over impoverished elderly citizens & Veterans, a demand to take people's guns away & to legally destroy anyone who defends themselves, & the feminization of our culture & society to fit some weird agenda. There is NO class envy, nor jealously of the haves or the wealthy on my end, its because I do NOT want to become Venezuela is why I vote Conservative Republican.

  10. One of the best episodes. If anyone thinks Couric is elitist, check the interview with Ms. Michaels on Real Time. Holy Cow. As in, โ€œ what aโ€ฆโ€

  11. I see so many negative comments that I just want to say I love this show. I haven't caught up on all of them, but 20 mins in, this episode is good, there is mutual respect. And they have a good sense of humor. Really liked Sharon Osbourne on this … Brad Paisley was also great.

  12. Loved the part about Woody Allen. I agree that it is a very unlikely crime. Louis CK had an important thing too: consent. Glad to hear that mentioned. If Sarah Silverman asked me to watch her get off, yeah … I'd watch … at least on a day I was feeling naughty. But seriously she did bring some sanity to that case.

    Going to get the book … though I'm pessimistic about the country coming together in a positive way. Pretty sure you can only have that with individuals now, not with bigger groups. It is past the point of any sense already.

  13. WOODY ALLEN WAS NOT EXONERATED! Stop smoking pot Bill you are losing brain cells. Everyone should watch Allen vs Farrow. It was not Mia's story it was Dylan's story. She was the victim. Respect that Bill.
    Bill is such a hypocrite. He got all high and mighty about the abuse at Nickelodeon. What's wrong Bill? If you don't see the abuse it didn't happen?
    Woody is 100% guilty. Evidence was tampered with in the first investigation. Charges were dropped. There was no trial. The second investigation was dropped because the investigator thought it would traumatize Dylan too much to go through a trial. The judgment from the custody case is scathing. The judge said Woody s relationship with Dylan seemed inappropriate. But it was a custody trail. Mia got full custody.
    Woody had an affair with a high school girl. And he abused Soon Yi when she was 17 and still in high school.
    That documentary was thorough. They gave Woodys side too through audio from his book. Do not say it was all one sided. Mia was not a woman scorned. She was deeply hurt. But she was not vindictive. You can hear the hurt in her voice in the taped conversations. But not vindictive. Stop being a misogynist Bill.
    And Woody becoming a child molester at 57 is not a surprise he was not around young children for a extended period of time until Dylan was adopted.
    Woody is guilty. He NEVER answered the question where he was for 20 minutes. Because he couldn't. Because he was guilty of abusing Dylan. Respect Dylans side. Watch the documentary with open eyes.
    Woody got away with it because he is rich. And New York protected there number one son who defined New York and brought in millions of dollars for that city

  14. Bills mother was a jew so he defends Jews at all cost, he never mentions the thousands of innocent Palestinians being slaughtered by jews.Also, he never saw the documentary about Woody Allen, but he defends him at all cost, he never extended the same courtesy to Michael Jackson. He doesn't care about facts sometimes when it doesn't serve him.

  15. The one thing I'll never forget is Katie Couric on the Today show in the lead in to the invasion of Iraq, when the public wasn't buying it, asking some general ON AIR "What more do we need to tell people to convince them that this invasion is something that they should support?"

  16. listening to this twit reminded me of this quote.

    Pure, hard-core liberals believe in a superior race. They think they're it. They believe they're more intelligent than the general run of mankind, better suited than the little people are to manage the little people's lives. They think they have the one true vision, the ability to solve all the moral dilemmas of the century. They prefer big government because that is the first step to totalitarianism, toward unquestioned rule by the elite. And of course they see themselves as the elite."

  17. It's always so interesting to hear these long form discussions. The part where they are trying to figure out identity politics and why middle or southern America turns against the coasts.
    Something Bill constantly says on his show and podcasts is that he thinks there is NOTHING outside of the New Yorks, LA's, Chicagos, etc etc. He constantly makes comments to guests about "I have no idea why anyone would want to live in rural America"……and essentially making fun at anyone who tries to do anything in places outside of the Coastal Elite Cities or Larger more dense US Markets.

    THATS why you lose people Bill. Thats why certain portions of the population are fed up with elites looking down their noses at 'hicks in America' which is basically what you are referring to them as.

    Always been a Bill Maher fan but that attitude of his that no one is worth anything unless they live in a population over 10million becomes fatiguing and seeing him wonder why people feel the way they do is just hilarious.

  18. The left is "crazier?" Yet center Dems don't do squat for struggling Americans. Both Katie and Bill have had a hard time leaving their establishment comfort zones.

  19. You two have multiple platforms and are both seniors, yet have either of you ever used your priviledged positions to expose the threat to traditional quality Medicare by local and federal govt elected reps who are forcing millions of seniors into subpar for profit Medicare Advantage? No, we're not jealous of the wealthy, we are worried sick that if we get sick the treatment that will kerp us healthy or alive will be denied by Medicare Advantage profiteers. How about a truthful documentary Katie, exposing this unconscionable threat to the Medicare program that LBJ instututed to ensure seniors had affordable, quality healthcare. You can contact Marianne Pizzatola, Christopher Westfall and Wendall Potter, experts on the topic, who are trying to get the establishment to listen.


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