Kamikaze drone Iran Shahed 136 | How it Works

#kamikazedrone #iraniandrones #drones

The kamikaze drone from Iran Shaheed-136 with A Russian Designated name Geranium-2.

Why is this a big deal?

This Russian Kalibr Cruise Missile costs around 1 million dollars,

Now this American Tomahawk Cruise Missile cost about 2 million dollars

The Shaheed 136 is more or less a low budget Cruise missile with a reported price tag of just $10,0000 to $20,000 dependinging on variants. While the Average price of cars here in America is around $40,000.

When launched in swarms these are a menace in this modern battlefield.

But in this content, we will look at how this drone works, the Moped engine behind i,t, and The basic step-by-step process of how this works.

It wouldn’t be fair if the pros and cons are not analyzed and how they are being tackled and how to counter the drones with old and new Weapon.

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26 thoughts on “Kamikaze drone Iran Shahed 136 | How it Works”

  1. Correction from Viewers Comments

    1) S Masoumi

    Not " Al Shahed" but "Shahed"

    "AL" in Arabic means "The", I must admit that the word Shahed has also Arab roots, so the mistake in this video is rather justified. Although here is the only instance I've seen it called Al Shahed. I apologize if I automatically assumed the mistake to be out of prejudice.

    2)Eugene O'REILLY

    The MD 550 engine is a two stroke engine for aviation use.Its not designed for moped use.Its a flat four air cooled engine giving 50 hp at 7500rpm.Its a locally produced copy of the German Limbach engine.

    3) amir ch

    please say Islamic republic instead of Iran.

    because they truly are Iranian's enemies, they do not know themselves Iranians nor the Iranian people know them, they are divided. also they are killing the people of Iran everyday with cruelty.

    the ones who have made this are Iranian's enemies. the organization which has made this is (Sepah Pasdaran Islamic republic) they don't even have the name of Iran in the name of the organization.

    Thanks for your attention .

  2. In modern warfare they are useless and can be used only against unprepared country such as Ukraine. They can hit only static unprotected targets and are good for terrror (like russia did to Ukraine when it hit it's powerline objects), however they still don't do a big menace because they can be easily spotted and downed by a common AK or AA from cold-war era and Ukraine is already doing that. Speaking about countries with modern equipment (NATO, Israel, Japan etc.) you will never have a chance to shoot hundreds of these towards them because their ground dislocation will be known in 10 minutes and be destroyed in 5 minutes after.

  3. west : Iran is a backward country
    also west : Iran is supplying drone to Russia ( I hope you know the fact that the amount of sanctions against Iran has been put by the West and USA)

  4. Wow…this Iranian piece of tech has definitely shaken the West and Israeli's tiny balls. The Islamic Republic of Iran was always underestimated by its enemies. Now they know what Iran is made of. 🇮🇷 💙
    Excellent content and presentation btw. 👌


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