"Just Because You're Famous, It Doesn't Make You Great At Something" | Harry and Meghan

Prince William is set to launch a UK-wide project to end homelessness.

The scheme will work in six towns and cities, to bring together organisations and individuals to find local solutions to homelessness.

A leading Hollywood talent executive bashed Meghan as talentless. Jeremy Zimmer made the claims after Spotify axed her podcast after just one series.

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33 thoughts on “"Just Because You're Famous, It Doesn't Make You Great At Something" | Harry and Meghan”

  1. When they go into hiding or keep out of the limelight you guys will be out a job because you wont have anything to talk about … Harry and Meghan have made immature, thoughtless and bad decisions but you guys are gutless in your relentless attacks on them. You have no self respect…its a case of the pot calling the kettle black

  2. 2 major issues here. How many " non for profit" groups were created? These people are making thousands, if not 10's of thousand pounds, DO NOT WANT THE HOUSING CRISIS TO STOP. They no longer have standing/jobs. And while there may be true believers most make money. 2) in all areas there is with the local councils the NIMBY affect. NOT IN MY BACK YARD!!!!. So offer those homeless since they are not legal, a plane ticket money to go home. Then take the real sick and send the to France or any other EU country welcoming these people who only came to work and were not oppressed and seek asylum from real danger. You have now ridden us from about 70 to 75% of the problem. Then we can help veterans and real people who ran from torture and oppression. Then the royal family can carve out an area they own where people REALLY want help. Build small homes of 1 and 2 bedrooms (which are cheap). If they sign up to live and correct their lives great. If not…..they can pick a country and fly 1st class. Then button up the borders. If you want asylum, APPLY from your home country and wait your turn like all of us had to do. I went thru this process and now am successful. Just have the courage to just say NO! Don't worry about bots and emails. Do whats right just as trans issue must be solved. Someone have some courage.

  3. Lets be honest here. The homeless problem won't be solved unless people can be honest about what it is. I have worked with the homeless, and most of it is down not to government policy but to choice, the choice to live for drugs and alcohol. I know this is not pc and not popular, but it is true. Many are not really homeless, they surf from sofa to sofa or live with a partner and then sell the big issue etc and make a lot of money. They get free drug prescriptions, get 50-80 pound a day donated to them, equipment etc. They can do drugs, drink, and not pay tax etc. Again, I know this is not popular, but it is largely those who are 'homeless'. There is a massive problem with this where I live. They housed them all in four and five hotels during covid, they offered them all accommodation, flats etc afterward, every single one turned it down. They now say there are only 16 in the whole county who are homeless. There is more than that in the charity at one time, so they are also fudging the figures to make this appear like it is going away. Then those who genuinely want help are lost in the system. I know, not pc, but it is the truth. Stop giving them money if you care about them, give it to the charity in the area.

  4. Let's see….. hotels are housing some free and some are tearing them apart and drinking and drugging. Now what at least 2 airbases opening barracks homes for about 1700 men. Has it helped? Not when 50, 000 are entering daily and the initial British or USA homeless are not dealt with. If they let them enter let them work legally and take their tax money.

  5. Homelessness is so complex there are literally two or three dozen serious reasons for it, and they will never all be solved – ever – let alone in five years. I like William for drawing attention to it, for sure, but he's made some pretty silly goals there.

  6. Prince William is doing the work to create programs. His brother walks into other people's creations and takes credit for the work. That's the difference. I guarantee Prince William could care less about getting an award. But he will be first in line to award others for their hard work. That's the difference.

  7. How does building homes solve homelessness??? Homelesness is mostly a financial and health issue. This guest speaker sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talkong about


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