Johnny vs. Devil May Cry

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Devil May Cry is in my sights for the next few videos, so join me as I head into most of these games for the first time. Let’s rock, baby.

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#DevilMayCry #Capcom #DMC


35 thoughts on “Johnny vs. Devil May Cry”

  1. TEARS… of the Kingdom? Devil May… CRY? Close enough.
    Super excited for the retrospective, can't wait to hear your thoughts on DMC2. Also, for a work in progress, your office is already looking so good!!

  2. No, you absolutely DO NOT have to read the Divine Comedy to get more out of the plot for DMC. Aside from borrowing a few name, it pretty much has nothing to do with the game.

  3. "i'll say now, play the HD version if you're thinking about it, because on PS2 the jump button is triangle, what the fuck"

    no other reason given to play HD, such as:
    – 16:9
    – faster loads
    – subtitles so you can understand what the heck dante is saying

    but that is a good enough reason on its own tbh

  4. Based on my experiences with Curse of Darkness on my older channel… You'll enjoy Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness quite a bit. Though, you'll need knowledge of Supplementary material to fully understand Curse of Darkness's Story.

  5. There's always great to see new people get into Devil May Cry It's my favorite video games franchise so I always love hearing people new and old talk about it 🥰

    That being said DMC 1 is dated with the fixed camera, attack off the screen and silly dialogue/voice acting. That being said I still recommend it only because it lays the foundation for what's to come in the series Hopefully one day we'll get a remake on the level of RE4 or RE2

  6. Just a heads up johnny, the reason it's two discs is because it's the same story but from different perspectives…. it's still a bit of a mess to follow but if you can follow it you don't NEED to play both, but i hope you will….best of luck

  7. While it can be rough around the edges the original Devil May Cry is honestly really fun. People might think I'm crazy but the scene when Dante screamed "I should have filled your dark soul with light" despite being meme-worthy and silly I thought it was kind of moving. It showed that despite the cold demeanor he still cared for others. If you played DMC 3 you'll understand. BTW You need to play DMC 3 on the switch. It has a new feature that it's incredible and Smoking Sexy Stylish!
    About DMC 2 the reason why there are 2 discs is because they are both separate campaigns. One on Dante and the other on Lucia. After playing and experiencing dmc 2 I honestly think you'll have a better time with Lucia. For one her levels are short sweet and to the point compared to Dante, she's faster and more fun to play as Dante, and in terms of story is better compared to Dante because without spoiling much she has a pretty decent character arc. DMC 2 while not awful is so underwhelmingly mid. Didn't hate it but I can see why it's not great. It at least helped me apreciate DMC 3 even more. I hope Capcom makes ports of DMC 4, 5 and DMC: Devil May cry on the switch. And be just a standard release. No any of that cloud gaming bull crap.

  8. I've played Devil May Cry on the Playstation 2 since my dad has it. I hadn't had the ps2 til 2003. The first Devil May Cry game i have, was the worst Devil May Cry game Called Devil May Cry 2.

  9. I really need to just buckle down and give DMC a more serious try soon myself. I played some of the reboot when that came out, played some of the original game after that, didn’t stick with either for longer than a day. DMC5 came out to universal love, which made me curious, so I bought the HD collection… and never even cracked the case. One day…

    Also, 7:14 I knew to expect this as soon as I heard you were doing a DMC video. Every video is legally obligated to show this, just like every Metroid Fusion video is legally obligated to show the cutscene that zooms in on the SA-X’s face.

  10. My brother Michjuan, who had died almost 7 months ago, has Devil May Cry HD Collection, Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition & Devil May Cry 5, all for the Playstation 4, as i have them all except 5 for the Xbox One. Now that i have Xbox Series X, i could be able to play Series S|X games, and i'm planning to buy Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition.


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