Well, it looks like Joe Biden might have missed the mark on this one. The push for electric vehicles has left car makers feeling like they’ve been taken for a ride. From strong-arming companies to ditch gas cars to imposing strict emissions policies, political leaders have been revving up the EV engine. But guess what? The whole plan has sputtered out, and the EV market is skidding off the road.

Big players like Honda, GM, and BMW have slammed on the brakes and are giving the EV regulations the cold shoulder. It seems the EV hype train has finally run out of steam. But why the sudden lack of interest in EVs? Are we being kept in the dark about something?

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36 thoughts on “Joe Biden SHOCKED as ALL Car Makers DEMAND TO DITCH EVs!”

  1. Seeing from my chair in Denmark it will take a generation before the EV cars is the normal in America. Here in Denmark, Sweden and Norway it only takes 20 years we are a smaller country but we are years forwards with our electricity, I just wander why America can send men, allso a Danish, to the moon and still you have electricity cables in the air between buildings, when you have a storm trees are destroying them and eweryting stopped.
    I Denmark and many European countries the cables are grounded. I love American classic cars, we can't buy the
    New models just by import from other countries, we are after Norway the land in Europe with most EV, s. 😊

  2. Lithium ion cobalt batteries catching fire, 50% reduction in output during cold weather. Why not use a 2 part conventional battery technology. Charge 1 use 2. Also why not put wind turbines in the grill and air dams. Why not use braking and drive shaft rotation with solar panel technology to charge while in operation. Conventional batteries are more easily refurbished. Why not install a small generator in the trunk.

  3. That’s the end of the American plan for carbon neutrality. It is all caused by the USA’s stupid policy instead of helping the people with a sustainable program. Learn from China for a good, achievable long term policy instead of pushing EVs down the throats of the American people.

  4. What everyone don't realize is that EV's have been invented since 1840's, well before the gas motor, but even back then, they were no good. Then in the 1900-1920's they made a return and again, they sucked with range and the danger of them. I think they should just keep making e-bikes, but EV's should not be made anymore.

  5. Its not lost on me how they continue to attacks personal transportation yet allowing stationary polluters to keep dumping massive amounts of contaminants into the the environment. Also bare in the mind the manditory built-in kills switch as of model years 2026.

    Also: have fun trying to charge your EVs and driving in hills/mountains or freezing weather. I live innthe Tulsa Oklahoma area and around the pmaces ingo, i have yet to see one charging station.

  6. An EV car has more pollution than gas and diesel vehicles, An EV has 175 grams of pollution worldwide than gas vehicles is 155 gram pollution. This technology is going too fast for us. Most cars are having software issues. To replace a battery of an EV with no warranty or if void not covered can cost around an average of $20,000 to 60,000. No way for EV.

  7. An EV is an rolling bomb or still, can ignite anytime. When battery chemicals are mixed inside the battery, then explosion is next. An EV in the cold weather it takes a whole day of work maybe more to worm the battery so it can be charge. They need to improved the battery technology or use the same technology that all gas cars use now, and fix software issues too. That will be cool.

  8. EV take too long to charge, An EV is not for someone that lives in the city that lives in an apartment, How is the vehicle is going to charge? Unless they go to the dealer and charge it for free. I have a friend that charge his car every day at the dealer and lives in an apartment. Too much work. An EV can ignite in the garage just like one case in Colorado state an EV started a fire that burned the garage. A fire of an EV is more dangerous to turn off, it uses more water. Its better to dump an EV in the water or in the river then trying stop the fire.

  9. I got to say the best thing Obama was right about if u want something screwed up send Joe Biden best statement any politician ever said saying his own Vise president is useless And if this goverment believes we should have EVs they should let every american try one out for 2 years and if we like then we will pay the rest sleppy joe should put his money where your monuth his is

  10. How are the regular average "Joe" suppost to afford these. and plus im gunna stick to gas and diesel. im standing with the auto manufactors. BUT i feel they should continue to make evs and give everyone a choice if WE the people wanna drive whatever we want WE should get that choice. STOP the Government

  11. The Government made Americans take a vaccine that was not safe ! Why listen to people who don't know ? The Government shut people down and put Americans out of business ! The American people did not elect Creepy Joe Biden !


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