Jesus attained Christ consciousness through the practice of kriya yoga meditation

#christianity #god #jesus


10 thoughts on “Jesus attained Christ consciousness through the practice of kriya yoga meditation”

  1. OK, so what’s so special about that anybody could do that the practice is for anyone not for special people. He was never a person to begin with. He’s just words on a page. You’re far more intelligent than Jesus and far more powerful you have God into you are a God. Jesus is just a picture With words attached to it that someone presented to you long ago. There’s no real person attached to that historically. If you really want to be healthy person, you have to integrate and balanc 0:01 love and compassion with hatred and need gratification. It’s not all about love. Sometimes we wear the white hat sometimes we wear the black hat.

  2. I’m not saying consciousness does not exist. I’m just saying is, what does it have to do with a contrive name like Jesus that was made up a long time ago along with a storyline and narrative that was completely lifted almost verbatim from Hellenic Greece. Consciousness doesn’t have a name, it’s an experience. Also, what is the shroud of Turin have to do with anything? The shot of Turin has also been proven to be false, and another made up phony artifact for you to believe that there was a person named Jesus that actually existed in history. There was no such person get over it, you caught up in a soap opera and you don’t understand the process and the direct experience. Focus on that.

  3. OK I’m trying to understand what you’re saying however, what does this Jesus person have to do with your spiritual evolution on anything? It’s just a story it’s just words out a page. The actual person in the Bible is not a nice person at all. In many respects, he’s really quiet problematic in terms of his morality. Read the Bible cover to cover word for word. Revolution is billions and billions of years old. Jesus is only 2000 years you do the math. Jesus is just a picture with some words on a page. You are a living God with power.

  4. OK I get it. Thanks for making that clear. That’s great that you’re not relying on something external so then the only thing that’s left is you it’s the development of your self. All I was saying is don’t get hung up on these labels cause they’re meaningless. Thanks.

  5. JC was not a spiritual teacher. He was a story in a book based on many different cultures created as a composite character from mostly Greek Hellenic text. There is no evidence that he was a real human being. You have to really get over that. This is coming from very prominent scholars in academia. A lot of people have drunk in the Kool-Aid on JC. And now you’re finding out or I’m going to find out that it’s an illusion. So what does it mean consciousness dies because there’s no Jesus. No that’s ridiculous. You have to accept the fact, and let the façade go in your mind, and get to the core of the matter which is consciousness, which has no name. Thanks.


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