James O'Brien tries to make sense of Liz Truss' 'anti-growth coalition' | LBC

This is James O’Brien’s very best effort to make sense of who Liz Truss says is in the ‘anti-growth coalition’. This video clip is from …


42 thoughts on “James O'Brien tries to make sense of Liz Truss' 'anti-growth coalition' | LBC”

  1. Brexit deniers to me sounded more like her and the conservatives in general. The people who deny that Brexit has anything to do with any difficulties we face. Instead it is all a result of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine (and Putin) or that old standby of the French. Whereas we who live in reality land know full well that Brexit is also a major part of the problem along with all the other issues (apart from the French who are only following the rules we had a hand in creating and treating us as a 3rd country which apparently is what the 52% were voting for although I never saw that on the side of a bus.). I am still waiting for what we were promised. That does not make me a denier just someone who wants was promised despite personally voting the other way.

  2. Wanting to stabilise an economy before then moving to growth, isn't anti growth. It is intelligence and understanding. So you can shout and call them what you want, but these "anti-growth" people of the current situation you are referring get to vote in time, so your ignorance and clear lack of understanding won't keep you in power.

  3. Hmmm James I do feel this is one of your sillier broadcasts. I know that you are better than this. I agree with where you are coming from, but I feel that your rhetoric has to be more substantial and I know it can be.

  4. James, has it occurred to you that in Mrs Truss's definition of the "Anti-Growth coalition" she omitted The Nazis and Banderites! Is it just me? still in her brave New world , perhaps she will threaten us with a nuclear option.

  5. Those protesters, strikers and twitter posters are the people you govern- it would behoove you to listen to them, for without their contribution, the economy will crumble- we've had enough and the more you try to whip us into your ideal while giving less carrots- the more we will rebel! Ever try training a dog or raising a child? Discipline is necessary when behaviour is unacceptable- but you want to be sure that desirable behaviour is rewarding or you will face rebellion at every opportunity. Being constantly dismissive to what your people are demanding and increasing the hurt leads to people either giving up- if caring hurts, you stop caring, or disobedience- if your situation is cruel you become more cruel, callous and hostile- especially towards those who bestow the hurt.
    A prisoner on death row either gives up and accepts their fate or goes down fighting and prepared to take any opportunity to escape or lash out because they have nothing to lose- many poor people are already reaching that point of desperation and many more are on their way.
    I want whatever Liz is smoking, maybe then I can be as blissfully ignorant of basicsocial principles as her and I can just ignore all the despair around me.

  6. "They prefer protesting to doing… what we tell them to do". "They prefer to talking on Twitter… than believing our insubstantial rhetoric". "To dismiss anyone challenging the status quo… even though it's our status quo, which we will change at our whim when the rich backers tell us to". Gee Liz, you really don't like people asking questions do you? You sure you're cut out for running a Democracy? Methinks the lady doth protest too much… about everyone else.

  7. In short, she stood and gibbered nothing more than a load of buzz words listing her imagined enemies of the country and who she considers undesirable and none-one in the conference seems to care that it made no sense..They just clapped!

    Are they all as vicious and thought disordered as her? So, so similar to Trump.

  8. Tories have own think tank far right neo cult and that is wrong wrong and severely wrong.
    So anyone no matter who they are or what lifestyle they have are Anti Growth Coalition.
    Listen citizens of UK we must stop this cult of far right extremists now before you have no quality of life to enjoy. They are not our betters they are a scurge, vermin to all decent values. that make us humane.


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