Israeli soldier beats and assaults a Palestinian young boy in Hebron in the occupied West Bank

A video has surfaced online of an Israeli soldier beating and assaulting a 10-year-old Palestinian boy in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Monday.

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33 thoughts on “Israeli soldier beats and assaults a Palestinian young boy in Hebron in the occupied West Bank”

  1. The soldier seems to be angry seeing him standing there minding his own business. In Hebron, former soldier from Break The Silence said they have to harras palestinian regularlyn to remind them who is the boss.

  2. "Do concentration camp guards have the right to self-defense?" – Norman Finkelstein

    "Do the Palestinians have the right to free themselves from the largest open air prison in the world?" – Norman Flinkelstein

  3. Practically every member of Congress has signed the pledge.

    This article is a magnificent introduction to get a basic understanding, how this particular lobby wield great power in politics:
    "The Cost of israel to the American People", Richard Curtiss

    If you want to know more about the lobby:
    Grant F. Smith, IRMEP Stream
    Washington Report on the Middle East
    Alison Weir, IfAmericansKnew
    Vanessa Beeley
    Cynthia McKinney

    "The Lobby – USA", Al-Jaazera/Grant F. Smith
    yt censored title, Prof. Sut Jhally (Narrator: Roger Waters)

  4. It was always a colonist project.

    jabotinski wrote, "nobody wants to be colonised. We have to build a wall of bayonets to keep the natives at bay; an Iron Wall!"

    theodor herzl had no qualms talking about colonialism, either. He even mentioned, that "the locals will be a problem".


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