Is The Critter of Carr Creek a Bigfoot? Or is it a Dogman?

Something stalks the banks of Carr Creek in Robertson County, Tennessee. It’s seen every couple of years or so. No one has ever been able to identify it. Old timers call it a booger. But is it a bigfoot? What little description of it we have sounds more like a dogman? Is that what it is? Or could The Critter of Carr Creek be something else entirely?

If you have a story idea, let me know about it. My email address is [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you.

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28 thoughts on “Is The Critter of Carr Creek a Bigfoot? Or is it a Dogman?”

  1. Great story Neoma! I've missed you and your stories. Life never throws us one thing at a time to deal with. It always seems to come in bunches. Don't worry about us being around. We'll be here patiently waiting. Believe me when I say that it is well worth the wait! I hope your neice gets well sooner than later. At her age I know how hard it is to get her to take things easy so that the healing process can happen. I wish I still had that kind of energy. Pam in South Carolina

  2. Another great video to add to your growing collection. I guess you know how upset I am that Kerry passed. Especially what his body endured. I feel for Linda. She must be going through so much pain. Loosing a loved one especially a spouse is especially hard. I’m still praying for your granddaughter. She is young and hopefully will heal quicker than us. I’m a tough old bird but life is sometimes hard. Neoma I think it was a dogman. I bet you do also. I also think that was a dogman you saw that day at LBL. Here I go again all over the board. I’d take Cam’s chickens if I had a place for them. Good excuse for him to come see me again. Lol. I know he’s busy. Hopefully you and I can enjoy a cup of coffee and a really big hug one day. You know I love you and this is the comment section. Lol. I commented quite a lot. You’re forever friend LaNitaπŸ’πŸ₯°πŸŒžπŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ˜˜

  3. loved it, as always. So well read and produced. It was a joy to watch, as your descriptive so it's very easy to picture it happening. I would love to see something like that providing i was safely away from it. Not face to face thanks. Amazing what's out there just waiting to be discovered. Tragic news about Kerry and nice to see the queen mentioned too(not Elton John) best of luck to your loved one. I wish her a speedy recovery. Cheers

  4. Hi there Neoma. Nice to hear you again. Prayers go out to all you mentioned, including you. Dogman seems to be seen / discussed more and more. My wife and I seen one leap across the double lane road we were on. I still cannot believe what we saw. Makes me nervous to think they are around. Someone saw a "very very large black dog" with red eyes a few miles away from me also. It ran away from him, covering a mile of open field in seconds. Great stories and please take care and please stay safe.

  5. She's way better than King Charles, wait & see what happens now. WEF
    The World Ecconomic Forem both Charles & the Brittish PM are both members & yes she has her finger on the button of no return, Nuclear War…in her own words.
    Complements of youtube.

  6. Tasmanian wolf or tiger a.k.a the thylacine? According to most folks in the know the last one died in captivity in 1938 however there are reports of a family by the surname of Hobart I believe that had a sanctuary of sorts just for such critters but who knows right? Btw north America only verified marsupial is the opussum or what my kin call a possum 42 teeth and all it is also said that they can't contract hydrophobia or the rabies but could carry lepercy ( spelling the wife is not present to correct it).

  7. Hi my friend! Nice to get a video with some good, scary stories!
    More prayers for Linda Arnold. I barely knew Kerry, but it was heartbreaking to hear what happened to a good man. 😒
    Prayers also for your recovering grandchild who’s had the type of surgery usually reserved for NFL players!
    That book publishing process is a bear! Sending out prayers/good vibes for that, too- and great book cover, btw.
    Looking forward to the next video!

  8. I hope your book does a whole lot better than mine. Good luck!! I don't even know how to publish my own manuscript. I used a print by their small service. Print on demand service.
    Great story as always.

  9. I was excited when I seen this video show up, but I was salmon fishing in Michigan so I had to wait until I got home. Thank you and I'm still sending prayers to you and your family.

  10. Hi neoma this is your hillbillyfriend from Fletcher I lost my phone a couple months back can't replace it broke also lost my son the 21st of September and he was 21 years old old days on fentanyl the first time I ever used as far as we know I don't know why I told you that I just don't get to talk to nobody and I consider you my friend and just wanted you to know why I've not been listening his name was Dylan Hudson please keep him in your prayers thank you


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