Is Neuvillette POWERCREEP in Genshin?! – Theorycrafting Analysis


Start: 00:00
Intro: 00:32
C0 Teams: 02:13
C1 Teams: 07:06
Constellations: 08:49
Weapons: 10:36
Artifacts: 11:26
Overall Review: 12:37


23 thoughts on “Is Neuvillette POWERCREEP in Genshin?! – Theorycrafting Analysis”

  1. I wanted to ask u this on the last video u uploaded but I forgot . How do u think Neuvillette compared to some of the best hyper carries we have currently like alhaitham and wandere , is he better worst or are they all situationally better depending on the content they are facing

    Also damn ur editing this video is immaculate 🎉

  2. It's out! It was interesting to see your thoughts and the ranking you use for your tier lists. So far I think his performance is somewhat limited by his weapons being locked behind his signature and the battle pass (Xiao mains know the pain, I swear), but I'm intrigued to see if he will get even better when we get access to more weapons that fit his scaling or teammates that synergize well with his style of gameplay

  3. neuvilette at C1R1 makes me regret getting wanderer C1R1 and C3R1 itto + C6 faruzan/gorou that came with them
    on a side note i really want mihoho to go back and give everyone a normal attack talent constellation
    xiao wanderer yoi hutao itto etc all of them could benefit a lot from NA +3 talent const its a game changer

  4. Oh wow the video production took a step up in this one! Good job!

    Neuv is pretty fun and the only c0 carry I cleared abyss solo with (at least with the current blessings). I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the best solo carry in the game right now. Perhaps thats balanced with the fact that he doesn’t have much supports. Imagine if we get a dedicated hydro buffer like a hydro gorou/faruzan, he’ll probably be the best carry in the game if he’s not already.

    Also I’ve been seeing some neuv + dehya teams popping up, usually with nahida and kazuha. They look pretty decent but I’m still waiting for dehya to spook me to try them out.

  5. Your teams choices are wierd and not optimal , for example in vaporize no need for Bennett zhongli xianling kazuha would be much better even if its lower xianling damage , also mona is straight up superior to tartagila in all his double hydro teams

  6. To me seems like Hoyoverse is sort of giving up on keeping the characters sort of balanced. Neuvillette doesn’t only have very high DPS, he is also incredibly consistent and combat efficient (similarly to Wanderer, and this is something I appreciate because I keep in high regards the combat efficiency of a character). He even got a great C1, and soon will probably receive an indirect buff.

    As an original Hu Tao main who has her at C1 R1, I always knew she was sort of overly praised simply because she was considered to be META (her DPS was great in single target, but she came with all sorts of limitations and issues I knew very well as someone who was playing her, and was definitely not a character anyone can enjoy, especially at C0, but most people tend to have a very narrow vision when judging characters), but if you compare her to Neuvillette the difference is embarrassing, they are like on different leagues.

    Neuvillette has way better AoE, way better mobility (can move at normal running speed while attacking), he can damage the enemies from a distance, his targeting is way better (it is manual, under our control), he has better uptime on his damage and better rotation flexibility. He doesn’t have Stamina issues. He is also much easier to use efficiently.

    His C1 not only is a great upgrade for his DPS (and will get better once a proper second hydro character for his team will be released), but also give much more flexibility to his teams by increasing the options for the party slot usually reserved for the shielder.

  7. I think the double hydro team is ideal. Yelan's damage buff + particle gen, it's valuable despite very few burst hits. Also replacing zhongli for fischl/shinobu/beidou gets you EC swirls and double hydro makes VV buffing both elements easier. Beidou needs a billion er though, but you even get a shield for it. I don't think you need a shielder at c0 because of his fast speed while blasting and he has self heal, though shinobu allows you more comfort.

  8. Great calculations. For me I dont really care about the powercreep. As long as I got the character I like and they do big (at least ok) numbers I'm happy. At the end of the day there's no pvp in this game.


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