Is It Harder To Make Art As A Left Handed Artists?

#art #bensound #drawing #batman #lefthandedart

Artist, Dad, & Hobbit


32 thoughts on “Is It Harder To Make Art As A Left Handed Artists?”

  1. So I was cutting perfect and the teacher was like, ur cutting wrong. She realises im left handed and is like, want me to cut for you? And I'm so pissed like, bruh ik I'm left handed but I'm twelve and know how to cut paper with scissors 💀

  2. As a lefty (not an artist)… We all know we can tilt the page, right?
    Maybe we can tilt a canvas on an easel, yes, but for drawing on a pad, it's not glued to the table. We can adjust it to our needs.
    Why is the lefty vs righty discussion always presenting that the page is an immovable object?

  3. Okay but what about scissors? And what about all the times I had to lay my hand on that damn spiral that hurts SO MUCH! And what about the school tables that are like this ⤵️ and I can't rest my left hand anywhere, so I just kinda suffered a lot…
    Sorry I,had to vent a little (there'sa lot more to say, but it's not art related), it's just SO TOUGH!!! 😢

  4. it's cuz school forces us to write from left to right so at this point Im used to drawing this way.
    Edit: Im actually having an extistecial crisis over this 😭 ive been drawing wrong my whole life.
    Ive always had to eyeball things but doing it right to left is way easier. Ive just been taught to write from left to right so its not my fault I know now. 😭 This isnt fair.

  5. im a lefty and i had this problem too, i think it would be hard for left handed ones cuz most of us used to do it right to left when were childs, even writing, i was writing backwards. and becuase they teach us to go left and right, in writing too, makes us automatically go left and right smugging our drawing!

  6. I was never taught this because everyone who ever taught me was right handed and never took into account that I was left handed my art teacher now is a lot better about it but before that no one told me

  7. Sorry but our earliest use of a pencil we are taught to move from the left hand side of the page to the right. By the time we get serious about art the process is well ingrained. We can retrain ourselves but it isn't something that naturally occurs but it isn't just the left to right that needs to be changed. We have to relearn things as simple as the way we hold our pens or brushes. The mechanics are very different.

    Should you feel sorry for us? Definitely not. If we want to be artists it is up to us to learn what we have to to succeed. That is on us. It's just different than being a right.

  8. In my primary school they taught us to do our paintings from left to right not to smudge it. My left handed friend figured out immediately that he's got to do the opposite. And he was below average in most subjects in the class, far from the smartest.
    Luckily for him, forcing left handed children to use their right hand had become history.

  9. Fun fact: a social media post claims that 2500 left handed people die a year due to right handed products. This is unproven. However, as a left handed person who’s suffered through using right handed products…I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some truth to the statement.


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