Is Absolab worth it? Reviewing and discussing.

After the last few weeks of back and forth about Absolab, I wanted to make sure I had a constructive approach to how to deal with information like that, including directly contacting the maker of the video.
I hope you enjoyed it!

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00:00 – Part 1: Intro and Outline of Video
7:15 – Part 2: Reacting to Andough’s Video
45:11 – Part 3: Reacting to AllWillFreeze’s Video
1:13:25 – Part 4: Talking with Andough
1:34:05 – Part 5: Questions and Conclusion

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23 thoughts on “Is Absolab worth it? Reviewing and discussing.”

  1. Mad respect for how calmly and analytically you approach situations like this Scar, makes it a lot easier to listen to and digest the things that you say as well as take away constructive info/data from them.

  2. i dont disagree or agree with what guy is saying , but i can see where he is comming from , but it's so sad to see maplestory community " that used to be one of the best ,nicest communities to ever exist " to reach that level of toxicity and it gets worse every year with players that cant discuss or argue about anything , they got the maplestory bible from their fav streamer and it become their relgion if anyone say hi lets do that that way or lets try to go this route on equips they take it as an attack on thier beliefs and the prophet of thier relgion , maplestory now is just ful of sick communities that doesnt allow anybody to have an opinnin but that's what happen when game is this bad towards causals , returning , new players . and everything is gated by macro users , people with tons of time on thier hands , that abused all the old systems , meso making methods ,etc

  3. for me, i built 13 bossing mules with all of them 235lv, ab set, super/reinforced gollux set , event rings/ gollux rings and PB mark, CRA set, all of them with lengendary p and 17 stars.
    for some characters like lara, DB, ark adele i will do nlomien, others not so fast i wont do lomien. and i totally feel like its worth it.
    20-30b investment per character will make them last forever with static 1b income per week within 12mins(1.3b within 18mins). so i can spend more time with my main and activities in real world. (spend less time bossing is IMPORTANT!)
    but if you are new player or not have as much as mesos like me, i will say maplestory is a long journey, the build he recommended you will need to change them one day in order to have short clear time.

  4. I got distracted by the fact that 90% of the screen was pure white as someone who uses dark pages whenever possible, that was unironically slowly hurting my eyes. Ever thought of using gray/dark gray (pretty much just darker) pages instead of all white? Would be a HUGE improvement for everyone I bet 🙂

  5. Great video but hearing you say "chinese whispers" is kind of a distasteful comment. The origin of that term has racist connotations… I hope the verbiage you use from now on will be more thoughtful. love u tho

  6. I'm a legion main and I really enjoy gearing up and playing alts. I can safely say that abso is dependent on your situation. Of your account is too fresh (not enough bossing mules for income, main not high level/deep enough) then abso is nearly mandatory until they massively reduce the droplet weekly cap. If you have generous friends, you CAN skip abso and just grab some 17* but that's really only for one character. There's no way in fuck that you can gear more than two characters with arcane at any point unless you're massively loaded in boss mules (which is not part of the group that can bypass abso).

    You will also have a very bad time trying to level to 250 with only the old faf/tyrant meta. Immediate gains is usually better than long term "do nothing but save" strategies which you would need for the skip. I had to explain this to a guildy today for sf event that if you're halting your progression because you think you're saving a couple billion meso then your really just making your life harder.

    But basically, yes you CAN skip abso but it's definitely SUPER bad advice for 90-95% of the population. That kind of jump takes a lot of experience, patience and connections.

  7. Doing a totem while scardor analyses my comment is *chef's kiss*.
    I still stand to what i said. I agree, i was agressive but so was his title. Skipping abso is just bad. Can you do it? Yes. Why would you do it? I have absolutelty no idea. It doesn't take long and it's MASSIVE improvment over any set prior to it.

  8. I just love how objective Scardor is in this whole video. He’s not straight up saying this guys is right and this guy is wrong but he’s explaining how in some situations you could or shouldn’t skip.

  9. Quick tip, Scardor. If you want, you could install a "Volume Master" extension. It allows you to enhance the volume up to 600%. I mainly use it to manually control things on the browser extensions for ASMR, low frequency sounds, listening to deep sea sounds, stuff like that. It helps giving you the option to listen well in browsers. Works on most well known Browsers. Even on my Opera GX.

  10. I get that "need" is a strong word in either direction but in the beginning of the video he stated his advice was for mains on a fresh account and Itd have to be an incredibly niche situation to really justify not going abso.

    Like on an unfunded account, the jump from cra/hmag/similar tier bosses to nlucid is fairly large and you'll pretty much happen into abso during that time if you're doing a normal progression. You can even fodder your empress into them through Japanese so there's barely any lost money. I mean maybe he just really hates blockbusters, which is fair lol.

  11. many of your videos are super quiet maybe you could try boosting the volume in some editing software or something, since your videos are mostly just listen along type things volume is actually a pretty key component of the video, currently i gotta adjust my game sounds so that they dont break my ears while i watch your videos
    edit: lmao you even said this in THIS video


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