Iran's plan to drag the US into a Middle East war with the Houthis | Frontline

“The red line, which prompted the US and the UK to attack the Houthis was not in my mind the attack on a US ship last week. The red line was Iran hijacking an oil tanker off the coast of Oman.”

The US and UK risk being dragged back into a war in the middle east by Iran and it’s proxies following strikes on the Houthi rebels in Yemen, Dr Matthew Hedges tells Frontline on #timesradio

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34 thoughts on “Iran's plan to drag the US into a Middle East war with the Houthis | Frontline”

  1. My respect to Dr. Matthew Hedges. Here is a man who has lived and experienced the threat of Islam and Arab duplicity. His portrayal of the situation in the middle east is authoritative and real. In fact his views were very balanced and unbiased considering his experience at the hands of Muslim ideology. My best wishes and I am sure all viewers support his recovery from his trials. BRAVO.

  2. Laughable , the USA drags everybody into conflict, no region is safe whilst the Yanks think they are the only true power in the world , as for Shunak nobody listens to this puppet , clueless , wouldn’t let him walk my dog .

  3. They have lost hope in humanity,
    They live in poverty and destruction.
    Resistance is a way to salvation
    Only God can judge them He is justice and witness.
    The West has shown its racist ideology colonial thinking double standards in application of law .
    Justice delayed is justice denied.
    We pray for people of Gaza and Yemen.
    Allah give them peace and victory.

  4. It seems another typical setup for US to set itself up as the bad guy trying to defend something way far from any American interest. I can see this spun in 5 years or less time as how US invaded a specific group in a far off land. Trade is mostly benefitting the big multi-billion dollar corporations more than anybody, so why not let shipping become extremely expensive and trade suffer. Countries will become more self-reliant and things go back to how they were a few decades ago, maybe not a bad thing.

  5. Iran’s plan? Israel has continuously bombed Southern Lebanon, and recently the US decided to bomb the Houthis— who chose to seize Ships (w/out killing anyone)—and yet Iran has refused to escalate the Conflict.

  6. "Iran's plan" FFS this propaganda outfit can't get anymore infantile. When did the Times start moving into the genre of childhood fiction. Israel has orchestrated, engineered, and mticulously planned this conflict with Iran over many decades. I'm just surprised it's taken so long. I guess timing is everything. When corrupt Chicago gangsters are running the world this has to be expected.

  7. Why do people think the US is being invaded by illegals… It a bankruptcy tactic that was used by Islam to defeat enemies a long time ago.

    By funding an invasion. Islam may invest 4,000 per illegal alien. But that single illegal alien will consume an absorbiennt amount of US funds in the form of welfare, health care, and other hand outs.

    In addition to this… It causes civil unrest that consumes more money from public safety and military units.

    And even if the US deports them… They come right back. Wasting even more money.

    And if the US arrests them… Its more money.

    The borders needed to be shut down with an iron fist. The damage that has been done already is easily in the trillion dollar range.

    And most of America and the leaders can't even understand why and who's funding it.
    . everyone thinks it's the democratic party… But ny money is betting on islam being behind it all.

    Their bankruptcy concept is brilliant… They only invest 4k an immigrant… And the US ends up spending 100 times that.

    Multiply that by thousands of illegals a day . And it's only a matter of time until there is no money to pay soldiers and defenders.

    And soldiers who don't get paid… Simply move to another land.

    The only solution is to close the borders by force and round up every illegal alien and deport them.

    They are easy to find… Because they have all registered for public assistance.

  8. 1) Zionists continue with their genocide in Palestine. 30,000 dead in 3 months
    2)Houthi’s initially targeted only ships to and from Israel and Israeli flagged ships in response to the genocide.
    3) Iran took back one of their tankers that was taken illegally by the USA last year. Fair game.
    4) UK and USA bombed Yemen in response.
    5) Houthis then widened the scope of their ship targets to include UK and USA ships. Fair game.

    How about a bit of context and sequencing here on the western escalation of hostilities ?

    It’s simple…
    Stop the Zionist genocide and agree real territorial freedom to Palestine and return stolen lands to Lebanon and Jordan.
    Lift the sanctions on Iran.
    Vacate all your military from Syria and Iraq.
    Imperial USA and UK keep your military at home.
    Most of the world does not want “your clean up help”

  9. Times Radio is The Comedy Channel. Upside down analysis of everything, armies on the march everywhere and innocent US/UK/Israel just being picked on.
    Folk if you watch and believe this channel them Chris Whitty has messages for you and your latest installment of vaccine booster is due soon but at least you'll die believing and not being able to figure things out for yourself.


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