WAAAGH! and Nagash – Warhammer Fantasy End Times Lore DOCUMENTARY

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Wizards and Warriors Channel fantasy animated documentary video series on the lore Warhammer Fantasy Battles Universe continues with an aftermath of our episode on the life and battle of Sigmar Heldenhammer (https://youtu.be/Flw99famDEc). Crisis called the End Times is upon the world and it is beckoned by the Champion of Chaos Archaon the Everchosen. In the aftermath of his conquest if the Norsca and victory over the northern Dwarfs (https://youtu.be/xj4MPob1W0s), continues its advance this time attacking Kislev ruled by the Ice Queen Katarin Bokha (https://youtu.be/uGHqP99IycU). This opened the route towards the Auric Bastion raised by the leading wizard of the Empire Balthasar Gelt and its breaking in Ostland culminated at the battle of the Castle Rackspire, where the Empire received unexpected help from the Vampire counts in the face of Vlad von Carstein (https://youtu.be/MwP3FS-ecLg). But this was just the beginning and the Chaos incursion into the Empire continued with the Rise of the Glottkin brothers (https://youtu.be/uoR2Nfn4bDA) which led to the Fall of Marienburg (https://youtu.be/x67ehrhCdng). The inexorable movement of the Chaos armies continued with the Skaven invasion of Tilea and the siege of Miragliano (https://youtu.be/9o2aozI7MuY) and during the fall of Bretonnia (https://youtu.be/tUDitA3CVk0). With the fall of Bretonnia and Marienburg before it, the route to the Empire’s capital, Altdorf was open and the Emperor Karl Franz alongside his allies from Bretonnia and Vampire Counts had to defend the city (https://youtu.be/D_8WW0FBOro). Elsewhere, the Skaven attacked the Lizardmen of Lustria (https://youtu.be/8AqVRRdkG_o), while the High Elves of Ulthuan has to fight their dark Elven brethren (https://youtu.be/-pe_Osqr6Lk). In other regions, the WAAAGH of Grimgor Ironhide and Nagash were rising.

Our other series:
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Game of Thrones – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Qq-rUSt7b3JN6nfgBaXCO-Fq2AI3m16
Warhammer Fantasy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn1Oj9QEf3U&list=PL2Qq-rUSt7b1A4SyXaKCeUN16SJ9WsccC
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Writer: Morgan Thornton
Animation: Michael Merc (https://bit.ly/340tcO2), Kate Korolko
Illustrations: Vadym Berkutenko (https://j_blackwood.artstation.com/)
Map animation: Michael Merc, Alexander Yakovenko, Kate Korolko
Battle animation: Antoni Kameran
Narration: OfficiallyDevin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com

#Lore #Documentary #WarhammerEndTimes


48 thoughts on “WAAAGH! and Nagash – Warhammer Fantasy End Times Lore DOCUMENTARY”

  1. It is a little bit disappointing how easy they ended Cathay which had stand for thousands of years or to imagine how on earth the greenskins should be able to invade Nippon with its powerful navy. But I think we all know how poorly executed and thought through the endtimes were. Your storytelling is really good – but the story IS really bad.

  2. "Tradelord Greasus Tribestealer Drakecrush Gatecrasher Hoardmaster Goldtooth the Shockingly Obese"
    And here I thought some of the Roman leaders of yore had long titles.

  3. Grimgor’s fight with Greasus wasn’t just a simple “he crushed his skull in with his scepter” although that was the result.

    When they fought, Greasus was humiliatingly beating Grimgor even with the Aspect of Beasts within him, it was only because of Greasus’ overconfidence and boasting nature that Grimgor got an opportunity to kill the Overtyrant

  4. And Arkhan? where is Arkhan the black? If I remember correctly, it was Arkhan and not Manfred who brought Nagash back, Manfred only wanted to keep the latter's powers, but his move backfired.

  5. On the power On El Shaddi Elohim Adoni Ahcad schema Israel forever Amen El Roi
    On the power On St Gabriel
    On the power On St Michael
    On the power On virgin Mary All the UFOs And gads witchcraft will be in the middle in volcano forever Amen

  6. It would have been nice if you had recapped what the ritual was that Mannfred had used to bring back Nagash and most importantly the ladies who had to die to fulfill it and how they had all come to be there. It's a small thing but one that, I felt, wasn't done well in the books.

    Nagash totally misread Vlad. Dangling Isabella's return wasn't needed – the guy wasn't stupid – Chaos had to be stopped. Giving Vlad Isabella immediately would have just firmed his loyalty (and reason to fight Chaos). All this did was to allow Nurgle to snatch Isabella's corpse and use her for It's own ends and would lead to Vlad's fall.
    Frankly Mannfred should have died twice – Nagash would have normally killed him for failing to do the ritual right and Vlad would have killed him because he pretty much knew that it was Mannfred who had betrayed him and allowed the thief to steal away the Carstein Ring leading to his first death.

    Grimgor's march to the Sea and back again is something you can do in Total War Warhammer III. I still question whether the Ork Waargh really could bring down Cathay without the Dragon Emperor in its final defence (they are mysteriously not available). I never got the book where Cathay fell so I don't know whether there was a reason given. However no question that Grimgor could beat the Ogre Kingdoms or the Chaos Dwarves though.

    Settra was already there and destroyed by Nagash AND THEN he was raised by the Chaos Gods. He was an easy tool for the Chaos Gods to manipulate (as long as Settra didn't realises he was being manipulated and not the master of his own destiny). The guy always hated Nagash and after his defeat wanted revenge. However once he realised this was not on his terms but the Chaos Gods he was none too happy.

  7. I wish the fate of cathay was elaborated. I mean they withstood many invasions in the past and even built walls, they have great and powerful dragons who rule the east and yet they succumed to green tide. There should be an explanation why it happened.

  8. I realy do not like the Endtimes. That Grand Cathay AND the Chaos Dwarfs go down like total punks, ad to the list of oh so mighty empires and factions, which are put down as if the writers of the Endtimes had to deal a ten-hour-story in one hour runtime. And did simply care jacksh*t for their own creations…
    The Vampire/Nagash-part of this episode I liked much better.

  9. You are good a storytelling and video making. (Although I can;t understand why you called chaos dwarves mountain men when they are dwarves)

    But you made two mistakes. First, Grimgor never lost. That fight was a draw.

    second and most importantly, Settra was not awakened by Chaos! He was already awake planning on world conquest. You should know this, he hated Chaos for daring to entertain the idea of him serving them.

  10. Iirc the wind of Beasts wasn't bound to Grimgor when he killed Greasus. It was only when he won their duel that the wind was bound to him almost as if the wind was waiting to see who would be the most worthy


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