Can the WWII-era Missouri battleship defeat an advanced alien ship?

A deep space communications array base is activated in Hawaii, and a high-power signal is sent to it for a test run. Several years later, the alien ship arrives unannounced, and the joint naval exercise fleet in the Pacific in Hawaii is ordered to make contact, but the aliens are the first to attack. Will the human warship have any chance of victory against the advanced alien ship?


16 thoughts on “Can the WWII-era Missouri battleship defeat an advanced alien ship?”

  1. This movie was covered by navy admirals and the drift with Missouri would not have been able to happen during to the anchor not reaching the ocean floor.

  2. as a war veteran i can surely tell you that the ww2-era MIssouri battleship can defeat a advanced alien ship but if the alien ship had forcefeilds the era would be fucked the ship would have sunken but luckily the aliens didnt have force feilds but in the begining they made a big force feild

  3. What a complete nonsensical moronic movie. I regret to this day to have wasted 2 hours of my life on this utter trash. Never watch this garbage unless you've been born with only half a brain (sadly the vast majority of Americans moviegoers 😒)


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