Investigators believe lightning strike caused Spencer church fire

WBZ-TV’s Tammy Mutasa reports.


37 thoughts on “Investigators believe lightning strike caused Spencer church fire”

  1. God is angry with these false so call false preachers and they are going to the lake of fire and it will be hotter than the lightning and that man need to get out the pulpit 🏃‍♀️him out

  2. The church is a not a building. God dwells in the hearts of men not physical structures. What happens in the physical is a mare rep of what's happened/happening spiritually…

  3. God his not sleeping 🙏 his watching over us and his seeing unfortunately this abomination spreading threw out the world so he had to give a sign for repentance and conversion 🙏❤️🇵🇹🇺🇸

  4. Almighty God's work is always wonderful! Satan's halls that marry man to man and woman to woman will be completely destroyed. The reason is that they have deviated from the path of Jesus Christ, who is the medicine of the world, and they will perish in their sinful deeds.

    The name Church is a name given to the followers of Christianity, not to the followers of Satan. We can also call the house of Satan's followers as Satan's hall. Therefore, we must return to the true path of God by admitting that this hall where Satan worships has been struck by the sword of God. Let's remember the recent flood of destruction in Brazil! I am happy with the wonderful work God has done!

  5. I, without fact checking, liked the post of the church reportedly stuck by lightning after or during a SAME sex marriage ceremony . While I do discriminate against the homo I loth the liar even more. I do believe that God shares ones sediment.

  6. We living in another Sodom and Gomorrah. God ain't changed yall. We ain't seen nothing yet. This world is mocking God you don't MOCK God He said in His Word you will reap what you sow.

  7. Yesterday I viewed the same burning down of the church but people wake up they were celebrating gay pride month God obviously did not appreciate it. Now look what happened. The Bible tells us do not mock God you will reap what you sow. God is not Mocked period. Don't play with God and His Holy Church building. You will reap what you sow if you do.

  8. God is NOT mocked. This was and still is a WARNING.!!!! That pastor is antichrist and totally against God!!!! Next time the pastor will lose his life. God will warn… but next time the pastor will be standing before GOD'S throne. Wow….

  9. Weird why the news didn't mention that there was a pride celebration happening inside and not 2 minutes into it that's when the lightning struck. Considering how much the media loves to shove that stuff down our throats it's weird they didn't mention it, it's almost like they know god hates that shit lol.

  10. You can't change the Bible for your own comfort . The scriptures clearly state that homosexuality is a abomination. Whats next? Are they gonna ok beastality and start marrying goats and donkeys?


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